What heavy-duty adhesive to use for....

… adhering a power window to its regulator rail clips?

Application: 2001 F150

Problem: The window separated from 2 mounting clips during cold temperatures where the stock adhesive froze and the motor pulled the track down away from the window - and subsequently the window fell off track.

So Far: I’ve gotten the window sitting back in the correct 2 mounting clips on the regulator rail. The stock adhesive which holds the window in these mounting clips (not just gravity held) appeared to be a silicone adhesive, so I reapplied a silicone adhesive. It did not hold. The regulator rail and clips still pull away from the window and separate when the motor is activated down - gravity is not sufficient to hold the window in the track, as there is apparently significant resistance from the weather stripping.

So… Glass ----into—> Metal clips. What adhesive to use?

3M Automix Panel Bond 8115


It is used to bond car bodies together. Its as good as it gets.

Too bad you need the special tool to properly use it.

Gotta pay to play man, the OP didn’t mention any restrictions

Silicone will work, but the surface has to be absolutely clean. Use acetone to get rid of any possible contaminants. A mineral or petroleum based cleaner/solvent won’t work. Then you have to clamp it very well. Any sort of thickness to the silicone will make it fail. You’re looking to squeeze 99% of the goo out under pressure. You’ll end up with the silicone bond and a lot of suction bond as well. A long time ago I used a piece of nylon disk as a larger washer while bolting something to the body. I used a thin film of silicone to keep water from getting in there and rusting. I bolted it all together, then after a year or so wanted to take it apart. No way, I was hitting it with a hammer and chisel trying to get that disk off and it wouldn’t budge. I ended up leaving it on.

Absolutely clean, thin film, clamp it well

sounds like every mk4 volkswagen ever…

There is a specific 3M window sash epoxy. It’s a two part and requires an applicator gun to mix. you can get it at urban paint, napa, or al wils

Thanks for all the input guys. <3

Instead of going all out with that gun/panel epoxy setup, Napa ordered me some 3M Window Channel adhesive - specific to the problem and cheaper too! I’ve got the clips all cleared out now and I’ll let you know how it holds. Again, thanks!

I never knew they made this stuff… thanks don!

3m window weld is what we use at the dealership, its availabe at carquest

Channel Bonding Adhesive 3M