
Well im starting my widebody project…

The rear fenders have pretty good filament but ive been trying to decide whether to rivet it to stock fenders or use some sort of bonding adheasive ?


great confidance in chuck i see

its not that clownshoe… jjust doing some research

chuck hasnt used that bonding adheasive before so i wast sure if anyone else has or not

I’d rivet them but use some kinda of flexible sealant to keep shit out from in between the fiberglass and metal panels.

Ive seen people put metal patch panels on with that bonding stuff instead of welding the panels on. I wouldnt use rivets because they would be a pain to smooth over when filling the seams and they might pop thru the bodywork.

use some 3m body adhesive, (black 2 part mix) then self tapping screws to hold it on once the glue has dried take the screws out and do filler work.

Wait OP, are you molding the kit on???

I might be… steve

yeah thats what johns boy chuck was tellin me to do…

I can help you mold it if you would like.

yea if youve got experience thatd be great man! thanks

that’s how I learned to do it. The guy that showed me how me is one of the best in the area. the adhesive is like 40 bucks a tube but it dries hard as a rock.

where can i pick it up?

Autobody of Schenectady on State Street by Mohawk Honda should have it

Yeah thats the way to do it. You want to use some type of fastener that will stay in the body when its all said and done. Just countersink them so its easy to glass over afterwards.

Okay cool… thanks for the input guys!

if you get the stuff and supply some food and drink ill do it for you.

rankin gimma call tomorrow I gotta go down to autobody supply and get some stuff if you wanna go.

Use SEM M.P.P. adhesive vs the 3m stuff. still available at any good autobody store. far superior bonding of dissimilar panels and longer working time.

What’s the mil thickness of these overlay panels? That’s going to be the determining factor of what needs to be done, especially if molding it completely to the body. using improper adhesive for what your desired end result can result in failure of molded seams. just food for though.

SEM for the win, all of their products are awesome