Wide Body

has any one done 30mm or 50mm wide body rear fenders?

can you help me find some info on how its done? :?:

you buy overfenders and bolt them on, its simple. the car will look super wack without aero and gigantic wheels tho

Bolt them on :shock: …from what ive heard/seen rivet them on. Mine hopefully come in soon…but its deffinatly goona be ghey with oem 7 spokes…Shitty cuz my steph mom had to mash my rear 1/4 panel…sigh* Id be interested in hearing peoples experience with installing them. Heres a site that may help anyone else going this route. http://www.ziptied.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3593&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=50mm+overfenders&start=0

You can also use panle bound, I know that what my dad work uses to put rear panles onto cars, that is what i an doing with my side shirts and rear lip.

so do i cut the existing panels out and leave like 3/4’ of mettal and bond the fiber glass to the metal or does it go directly over top? and if i did cut it what does that do to the structural integraty?
and wheres a cheap place to get a pair of 30mm…

ps. killer link! :lol:

I dont kno how to explain it any better than the link…as for the structure it was stated that its not too important…maybe it is on 240’s but u either weld or rivet the original metal after however much metal has been removed. just cut what u want out then rivet or weld it all so its not going to flap around and rattle. it doesnt have to look pretty but make sure u seal it nyce and make sure it wont rust and that u cutt enuff to get the clearance when u slam the car.

Thanks alot!
now all i need to do is a get a pair for a reasonable price… any one know off hand?

You missed the GroupBuy but Quincy may be able to do something for you.

group buy… oh shiet! well if any one has any more info that b great!



search the forum, sheesh

gruopbuy section, username QuincyS14