What is worth holding onto these days?

I’m sure everyone’s come across this at least once in their lifetime. You try to clean out the house and throw out anything that hasn’t been used or touched in the last few months when you come across something that ‘might’ be worth something but you have no idea. Over the years I’ve come to collect quite the random collections ranging from hot wheels, stamps, coins, sports cards, etc… My parents always said “hang onto those, they’ll be worth something some day”. But I’m beginning to run out of space and not care anymore. I’ve thought about selling many times but i have no clue where to go to even get them appraised.

What do you feel is worth hanging onto these days? Are things only valuable if there in the original packages? Where can i sell this stuff locally? What things do you hang onto in hopes of future profit?

while i appreciate your situation, i think if you expect any real help, you’re gonna have to tell us what you have.

also, inbeforeitsallworthlesssellittomeforfivedollars.

I’m such a hoarder. I still have my Pog collection from the 90’s somewhere. Stamps, bottle caps, baseball cards, Matchbox cars, all my childhood collections are in my attic. When I moved I realized how much crap I really have.


and there’s a bunch more

watch antique roadshow more

I would bet most of the stamps you have aren’t worth 1 cent each. . .same with a lot of the cards. I cut down my card collection to a) rookie cards, b) special/limited edition/insert cards and c) anything signed.

The problem now is over exposure of collectibles. People everywhere now know that these things could be worth something so more and more people are hanging onto them. Mix that with places like ebay and its ease of access and the price of a collectible drops tremendously. It will probably be beyond our lifetimes before these things are worth anything at all, anything from the 80s/90s just doesn’t have the same collectible value