step 1.) is the brake fluid level going down? if yes you have leak-fic ix , if no then you dont have a leak and go to step 2
step 2.) bleed a like a mofo, gravity bleed first open all the bleeders and let it drip out keep filling master cylinder as you go along then do a regular bleed starting at the furthest cliper and working oyur way to the drivers side caliper, if problem is fixed, drive, if not go to step 3
step 3.) remove calipers (do not undo lines) check pads and rotors for smoothness if smooth take some brake cleaner and clean off rotors and pads well, then take some 120 grit sand paper and sand down the pads and rotors well, clean off again, re-assemble then spray brake cleaner again and make sure the sil-glide is not dripping on to pad/rotors… if fixed go drive car and then make me some chicken balls if not go to step 4
step 4.) pull hose off of vaccum booster while car is not running, should make a sucking pop kinda liek when getting a blowjob and the girl pulls it out mid-suck, if it makes the noise you do not have a leaky brake booster, if it does not make the noiseyou have one of 2 problems, bad/leaky brake booster or a bad check valve, to check the check valve you have to take the check valve off and blow into it , if it blows both ways you have a bad valve -repalace it, if its good re-install it but make sure the side you blow that doesnt let air in is facing the motor side, so if you were to blow from the booster side it would open, if it didnt make the pop and the check valve is good you have a bad booster-replace- thew rason why the popping noise happens is due to the check valve being sucked shut5 form the booster side when vaccum is taken away from the motor side resulting in a n atomospheric condition , bosster should hold vaccum when car is shut off
if problem is fixed go drive and then make me some chicken balls, if not go to step 5
Step 5.) replace master cylinder, if fix good go make me some chicken ball, fuck the ride im hungry, if no fix make me some fucking chicken balls all this typing is making me hungry, and then ill drive to where you at and fix the fucking problem
i searched and found this very helpfull information but everything on my brakes is so screwed up i have no idea where to start or what to replace. Ok so here we go:
First i always had the braking and stereo shutting off…fixed my grounding system and all was fine.
second i went to my car one morning and pushed on the brakes and nothing…like nothing…so i started the car. When i pumped the brakes quick enough i could ACTUALLY STALL MY CAR WITH MY BRAKES!!!. So i look and i saw there was very very little fluid in the reservoir and threw some in and the brakes were not all what they used to be but worked fine for the day. The next day the same problem but no return of braking power…nothing
Then i went to bleed the system and noticed that my brakes were working (clamping) but not very well…especially the rears. So i went to bleed the passenger side rear brake and SNAPPED THE BLEEDER SCREW…now what? The fronts bled ok but the rears barely had any fluid coming out of them.
The pedal feel now is absolutely no brakes…the e brake is useless almost.
What do i do?
there is what i think to be fluid on the frame rail under neath the brake master cylinder and booster…so WHAT WENT WRONG???WHAT DO I REPLACE FIRST?. Fluid just sits in the reservoir and never goes down when i try to bleed the system.
sorry for the huge post…just want to get this fixed.