What is your number? V. People you've Slept with

quoted so i can use that later… :lol:

he’s not drunk guys, just practicing meat spins…

“You spin me right round baby, like a record baby, right round round round”

gross… lol

Herpes they do not have to give you paper results, they can give you a verbal Pos/Neg answer along with Clamydia, Ghonnorhea etc…


i dont really understand how someone thats at least 20 couldnt have slept with at least 20 girls, unless you’re ugly as sin, have a girlfriend, or just sat in your house from the time you were 16+. :gotme:

Im in the “under 20 club”. But I had a GF for 3 years in HS, one for 8 months right after HS, 7 months of being away for the army then a 1.5 year gf from a little after basic training till right b4 this summer… then i had a hand full of randoms this year.

Oh god lol. Figure it out, I don’t know what i was going for here :jam:.

yea see I had a GF in HS for just about 3 years, but said fuck relationships almost entirely after that and went nuts.



are you gonna buy a bike this season?

definitly i cant fucking waiiitttttttttttt

This made me rofl.
I thought this was in response to having sex.

Then I saw that you quoted about the bike :stuck_out_tongue:

ahhaha my bad for deviating off the subject at hand…


i think I even have “I love sex” as one of the only things about myself on myspace. surprisingly im finding out there are as many, if not more, sexy ass women that are horny as I.

growing up FTW!

2 v cards for me, 1 a card, and my number would have to be between 15-20. iv also had 2 threesomes that i can remember off the top of my head. no pun intended. one of them being in my parents pop-up camper in their front yard when i threw a party and the other was when i was home from Christmas break last year from the army.

relationships slowed me down. If I didn’t have a g/f through my first 2 years of college, I’d be in the 30 range.

fucking relationships.

and will, with the way you’ve been lately, keep it up and 30 is in the sites haha. PIMP

what is this gf bullshit excuse? Every girl I dated aside from 2, from the time I was 18-21 was Bi. I’m convinced 70% of young girls(16-20) are willing to play with a friend if you ask them to.

ps +1 after tonite, and i’m out

Same here, had a girl for 6 years since I was 17 and then went crazy. Now I’m dating a nice looking 18 year old, 5 of her friends already said they wanted to bang me but I’m thinking I may want to keep this one around for a while. I’ve noticed lately that you get more attention from chicks when you’re with another girl.