what kind of ticket is this?

this is messed right up

my buddy got a $110 fine for this, says he was doing the speed limit minding his own business:

drive motor vehicle in contravention of conditions highway traffic act 32 (9)

this is the explanation:

Driving in breach of condition prohibited

  (9)  No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a highway while contravening a condition contained in his or her driver’s licence or imposed by the regulations.  R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 32 (9).

makes no sense to me

Maybe the cop would know. What class license does he have? G1?

conditions such as G2 no 400 series/night
possibly not wearing glasses
on the back of the license theres an X under conditions for glasses, phhh, more challenging without

G2 are allowed on 400 series, and night time. Only G1 are not.

But yeah, probably not wearing glasses or something.

how the fuck would the cop know? fight it and say he was wearing contacts or something.

yup that is what is going to happen.

it was glasses.

If the driver is classified as needing to wear glasses to drive it is stated under the “Cond./Rest.” (Conditions) field on the driver’s license.

And yeah, just say he was wearing contacts.

whoa… wait. woudln’t the police ask before writing that kinda ticket…

or said something when he hand it over?

I have the X on my license… “hardy ever wear my glasses thou”

anyway… i’ve got 3 speeding tickets and a tiny fender bender…

wasn’t wearing my glasses any of the times… and it was never brought up but any of the cops… lol

Maybe you wouldn’t have had the fender bender if you were wearing your glasses…

Why not wear them? I don’t even NEED mine to drive and I still wear them…

Tought luck for your friend bing, he doesn’t really have ay right to complain about it.

Well, just warn him if he plans to fight it by saying

“I wear contacts”

Because the judge might say

“Prove it.”

they will likely ask for documentation (bring it). So if his prescription for contact lenses was issued AFTER the tcket, they won’t budge.

So if he does HAVE contacts and just wasn’t wearing them (or the cop didn’t ask, and he was wearing them) he’s fine.

I almost had to pull one out to get off a ticket like this. Touching your eyeball without blinking was enough to convince him though.

I hate wearing my glasses when I’m driving. It totally screws with my peripheral vision.

But I couldn’t drive without some kind of correction. That’s a scary thought.

Really, it’s a $110 ticket for vanity

he is bringing his contacts with him

common maxi,

everyone has the right to fight weather the ticket is valid or not.

your (our) rights are squeezed as it is by traffic law so FUKK’EM

bing, make sure your buddy actually has contact’s and have him also bing the prescription for them. Judge’s are becoming more aware of how everyone fights tickets now and may ask to see proof.

Also by showing the contact’s and prescription to the Crown, he or she may elect to drop it right there.

Just thought I’d mention this.

Easy 8)

I just have the opinion that when you chose to break the law you should be willing to PAY for it when you get caught and not bitch/whine about how unfair it is that you broke a law you knew existed and then got fined for it.

I mean there are BS tickets and you should totally fight those, but like if you go 140 on the 01 you KNOW you are breaking the law. Be a man and own up to it.


Really what irks me is that your friend obviously needs them to drive and wasn’t wearing them… it’s like people that drink and drive, you’re putting people at risk. I wish the fines were BIGGER.

I want to get contacts, I agree about how it fubars your peripheral vision.
Your brain sees the edge of the glasses and you sort of end up with artificial tunnel vision.

Contact lenses changed my life


I used to have to wear those dork ass giant plastic protective sports goggles when playing sports.

Yeah … that doesn’t scar anyone for life.

Biggest problem I have with my glasses and driving is not so much peripheral, but corner of the eye stuff.

You can check your mirrors or blind spot by looking out of the corner of your eye with contacts.

If you’re like me, and have really bad eyesight, trying to glance down at your gauges is right out. Everything is full-head turn.

Oh and sunglasses … it’s nice not having 3 pairs of glasses in the car with you, or in desperation having to buy those Grandma Termintator looking ones that fit over your glasses.

Forget wearing a helmet too, unless you want to scrape a lot of skin off.

Mr200 - hating glasses since 1986