What kinda of EBC are you guys

What kinda of Electronic Boost controllers are you guys using? I"m having hard timing deciding on on.

I’m leaning towards AEM Tru boost or HKS EVC-s. What are you thoughts on those two

I use a Blitz SBC i-D Spec-S. Love it. Easy to adjust, easy to set up, and has been reliable since I’ve had it (3+ years).

My co-worker bought a HKS EVC-s brand new, it fucked off on him a year later and he switched to a manual boost controller, lol.

Also, that thing was a pain in the ass to set up.

I don’t care for either of those really. AVCR or Profec would be my choices.

I use an old school Greddy ProfecA, Very easy to use, not like the complex retarded ones out nowadays.

I use the Profec-E, Huge display and comes with a remote for my lazy ass.