What luck? Long Weekend ruined!

So Saturday afternoon I get off from Work I get in my car, Im happy because the long weekend is starting for me and I get on the 401 I exit at Isligton ave. and Im heading north and all of the sudden my brake light comes on. I then get to Elmhurst and light turns red I apply the brakes and NOTHING! no brakes, pedal all the way down on the floor. I start down shiftting and I use the hand brake to stop while switching lanes at the same time so I don’t hit the guy in front of me. So I drove the rest of the way home with Zero brake power. I get home I put brake fluid in my car, I apply the brakes and it all comes squirting out from the line. I was like crap! by this time it was dark so i couldn’t try to fix it my self so I left it for Sunday.

Sunday I wake up late, I go to canadian tire, they didn’t have the right parts, I go to another canadian tire they have the parts I need, I buy them I go home put the front up I took the old line out and I try to put the new one on and it doesn’t fit!.. That’s what you get for buying universal crap from canadian tire. I thought I could get it to work but it didn’t happen.

By the time I got home again with different parts and then desided to go back to canadian tire and get other parts canadian tire closed and it was dark again and it was freezing. So im like I will do it tomorrow.

Monday everything was closed and it was freezing cold. I went through the whole weekend without my car. This morning I drove it to work slowly and using hand brake so I can get it fixed the right way.

My weekend was crap I didn’t get to visit some friends, couldn’t go anywhere without getting a ride from someone and I had to borrow my moms car as long as I agreed to bring it back with a full tank of gas and she gave me her car with her tank less then a quarter full. $75.00 dollars later it was full.

This brake problem couldn’t happen at a worse time, righ on the begining on the long weekend, I couldn’t do anything, I spent half my weekend trying to fix and did nothing…Yeah so this long weekend sucked ass.

That sucks…

Be glad you didn’t plow into a brand new Mercedes at the lights I guess… :stuck_out_tongue:

Nissans use 10x1mm fine thread nuts I believe on their brake lines.

You aren’t going to find it at CT or anywhere besides a specialty shop or
Nissan dealer.

Least you could have done is cut the line and put a hose in between.
Where was the hole anyways?

As for your weekend, well it obvously doesnt compare to mine.

Imagine waiting weeks/months to finally drive your car, only to learn that
the clutch is shot, and then having to take the tranny out.
I dunno if anyone’s had a worse year then me.

And, you’re crazy for driving with no brakes. :slap:

It wouldn’t have worked with a piece of hose… Brake pressure is multiplied, it woulda squirted out anyway. I drove home from the track with no rear brakes when that happened to me, haha. Cut and crimp is your friend in emergency cases such as that. Obviously only until you can get home or to a shop, then fix it realtime.

At least you won’t have to worry about it happening again.

sorry to hear that bro. happened to me too once a long while back when i was driving my mom’s shitbox. good thing i was in a residential area just around the corner from my house when the brakes cut out. was still pretty scary. good luck, hope you get that fixed without many more setbacks. :thumleft:

Brake line is fixed and Brake master Cylinder was also replaced…please don’t ask about the Brake Master Cylinder…just don’t lol.

And thanks to NIZZTEX :thumleft: for the