What people will do to get out of paying tolls/redlight tickets.




There’s always a little thrill that comes with beating the system.
Whether it’s sneaking into the box seats from the nosebleed section, or moving the car after your allotted time but just before the meter reader arrives.
Now come tollbooth and red-light cameras, a digital-world challenge that some foolhardy and cheating souls are taking to the extreme.
Photographs from Florida’s Department of Transportation have captured SunPass tollbooth runners in acts of head-shaking audacity.
A car blows through while a passenger in the trunk sticks a hand out to cover the tag.

A motorcyclist lies prone on his seat so his feet can dangle over the back to obscure the plate. If a squirrel should cross his path, there’s not a chance in the world he can brake quickly, but he just saved $1.

"Sometimes people find themselves at a toll booth without money and just panic,’’ said Christa Deason, a DOT spokeswoman.

But the photos don’t capture people in one-time acts of desperation, she said. They show habitual offenders who repeatedly travel the same route. And their antics result in Highway Patrol stakeouts. “The troopers always get you,” she said, even when the cameras don’t.

Then there are those who try to capitalize on our rebellious ways.

Websites tout various products to beat red-light cameras and speed cameras, including fake mud to spray on SUVs, lending the appearance of a recent romp in the woods with … oops … a few dollops on the license plate.

Other sprays purport to create a high gloss that reflects so much light that the camera’s image overexposes.
Plastic films and other plate covers claim to distort the numbers. One cover even had tiny louvers, so anyone looking at street level could see the plate but a pole-mounted camera, shooting from a higher angle, could not.

Florida law is clear about such shenanigans. They’re illegal.

It is considered a moving violation, with points on your record, to alter a license tag in any way, including with any coating, spray or material that makes it illegible from any angle.
License tag alteration comes in many forms and the Highway Patrol does not keep statistics of different methods, said Sgt. Steve Gaskins, spokesman in the Tampa office.
Someone driving on an expired tag, for example, might use green tape to try to make a “4” look like a “9.”

Gaskins has seen department bulletins on the various methods people can use to foil cameras. It’s ironic, Gaskins said, because "they don’t work.’’
One reflective spray, "Photoblocker’’ sells for $29.99 a can, enough to cover four tags, the company’s website says.

The television show Mythbusters examined Photoblocker spray, films and other devices in 2007 and found that none obscured the tag.
The only way to beat a red light camera was to blast through the intersection at no less than 200 miles per hour, said Mythbusters, using a jet-powered car to make their point.
Photoblocker representatives could not be reached for comment. Their website does include a caveat disclosing that its product might be illegal in certain jurisdictions.
"We do not condone red light running,’’ the site proclaims. "Our products are designed to provide law abiding motorists protection from faulty red light/speed cameras ONLY.’’
Want to be a dealer? Photoblocker will sell you 300 cans for just under $3,000 and throw in an extra 100 for free.

Or, if you prefer, you can be an "affiliate’’ and talk your friends into selling the spray, too. When they earn, you earn.
Sort of like a pyramid.

Now you know :lol

LMAO thats awesome, I mean just take alternate roads, I went down to VA to visit DJ Memorial Day weekend and just took non-toll roads (88 & 81) and it was maybe 15-20 longer then toll roads.

Hahah nice.

This may be worth it to go down to the city nowadays.

I think a round trip costs you about $25 in tolls.

I remember when I had a plate mounted way down low in front of the tire on the first SV, I would go through the toll booth where it automatically pops the ticket out, but it wouldnt recognize the bike. So I would just roll through without the ticket for the entire trip.

Must have been mounted so low they couldnt tell the number as I’ve never heard about those incidents.

Nice body position…:lol

i went to school with that kid he did get popped and i think it was an $1176 fine

You know this is in FL right?

And why was the fine so outrageous?


because race bike.

You just gave me an idea…:crackup:crackup

"A motorcyclist lies prone on his seat so his feet can dangle over the back to obscure the plate. If a squirrel should cross his path, there’s not a chance in the world he can brake quickly, but he just saved $1. "

if you are wacking on the rear brakes to miss a squirrel… you don’t belong upright on a bike still to begin with! ROFL

KK story. I may or may not have been the craftsman behind some simple modifications and hidden switches on a few friends (not the good kind you take home to meet the family) bikes. We rigged up a toggle switch to cut out the running lights, low beams, turn signals and the brake lights (high beams still worked outside this system). You could reach down and cut the lights if “need be” and then use the high beams when you really needed to see something in that event.

Also mechanical license plate frames, now you see it now you dont. A small piano hinge and a door lock actuator will go along way! Even had someone get yanked with it. It was flipped up, out of sight, he saw the cop pull out, got ahead of a car quick, flipped it back down, got pulled over and the cop was like “when you went by I thought you were one of those cool kids who likes to fold the plate up so its hard to read… I guess not, have a nice day and ride safe.” ROFL

Ahh to be young and stupid.

Well many bikers have to run red lights after sitting on them for a while and not having them change.

anything to get out of a ticket right? i’ve gotten close i slowed down just as i saw a state trooper.

What do you mean?

Some states actually have clauses allowing bikes to run red lights after sitting for X amount of time.

But good luck proving that in court after the camera takes your picture without a context.

I hate paying tolls but the ticket and all the bullshit that will come with it is just not worth me saving 3bux. lol but some of these people are prety brave lolol

new sex position called the “diamondback” try it playa!

12 o’clock it= no visable plate…just saying.

Why so much fuss?

Problem solved. :rofl

Just run the fucking squirrel over.

I’ve never really ridden street bikes, but I can’t imagine that the rider would feel more than a slight bump.