What percentage of your income do you spend on Cars?


You STOLE that from Jake Lamada, the raging bull. My whole image of you is blown.


Nope, I heard my father-in-law say something akin to that one time. I thought it was funny so I stole it from him. Not sure who Jake Lamada is. :gotme: But yes it is stolen, so if your image of me included sincerity or creativity, then it is now more accurate. :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

9% of my net…


This past year (2006) I spent 6% of my net income.

So far this year (2007), I’ve spent less than 1%

This doesn’t include gas.




I’d agree with you…

I’m about 80%…just bought a $25K truck…and also own a ~$5K bike.

I also live at home…so the only bills i have are: cellphone,health insurance/car,bike insurance.

What I don’t spend on my cars/gas/mods I spend on food and clothes…I barley save…haha

Not going to bother including my 2 daily drivers. As for my 69, I did a lot of side jobs, etc to pay for it. And accumulated the money over the years. I’m afraid to add up the invoices. :roll2:

between gas/insurance/payment, it’s definitely under 8%

fuel and oil changes, I’d say about 5% or so

Currently all of it, and still all my shit doesn’t add up to what I have in my IRA so I’m fine with that.

way too much, hence why i’m getting out


Payments + Insurance + Gas = 13.7%


Hey me too!


way too much, hence why i’m getting out


ya hurrrd :tup:

I’d say about 30%, car payment, insurance, gas and general upkeep. Thats just the Tibby, if you add in the R/T it’s closer to half. The rest goes to my mortgage, utilities and student loans.

About 50%.

cars this and cars that. you guys need a hobby.

probably about 30-40% never figured out exactly what percentage but its going down now somewhat