What Should I Do???

Well I decided to get off my ass and sell the Talon because its been sitting in the garage since I bought my Trans Am. I put it in the Buffalo News and about three days later it sold. Now I have some extra $$$ that I wasn’t expecting. My dilemma is I drive to work and school every day which is a little over 35 miles a day. I would like to pick up a something (AWD or 4X4) for winter but I dont want to get raped on gas either. Any opinions on trucks or suv’s or should I just pick up a Honda and some good snow tires???

older scooby? anything FWD is good in the snow

:word: unless you actually need a truck/suv to haul shit all the time, just get any cheap car you can find that has good MPG

old honda beaters with snows are really good in the snow. not as fun as awd, but it gets you around. just tighten up that e-brake :slight_smile:

honda beater ftw.

deffinitly. american fwd you will regret, lol. honda beater (ftw)

i DD my 4x4 blazer and drive almost 100miles/day for school n shit. i get 21mpg believe it or not. plus theres nothing like 4 wheel drive, ripping thru the blizzard when everyone else is stuck or in a ditch

honda and blizzaks. or a little truck like a ranger or something

why? i have had one for 5 years

Suzuki Samurai?

+1 Samurai’s are the shit

Civic’s for life.

This man knows what the fuck it up!!!

i’d say, save the money :slight_smile: