What should I do?

(I’m putting this is OT just to be safe.)

To make a long story short, I bought a truck so I could take my car off the road for the winter, and save money, and fix the car up. After my car was fixed, I planned on selling the truck to my buddy Rick. Buuuutt… I put my truck in a ditch. Got a flat tire, cracked rim, and pierced oil pan. I don’t know whether I should fix the thing or not. It’s a '94 Blazer. If I were to junk it, I’d only get like $150, if that. I really really don’t want to do that. If I were to fix it, I could get atleast $400 for it. I could throw the spare rim/tire on there, and replace the oil pan. The body is shot, but it runs well, and it’s comfortable, heat and AC work, good tires, blah blah. It’s a decent beater truck.

Right now I’m vehicleless. To put my Audi back on the road, I think it would cost the same amount, or more as fixing the blazer. (I think.) I need all new tires on the Audi, control arm bushings in the rear, an outer tierod, an alignment, plus the money to register it at the DMV.

So, I don’t know what to do. I actually don’t even know how much it would be to replace an oil pan. What is it on average? I don’t know what goes into doing so, with labor and everything. I’m stuck.

Junk the blazer, fix the Audi, lose money, or fix the blazer, fix the Audi, sell the blazer, and be a happy camper. I really didn’t want to drive the Audi until everything was absolutely fixed. Now I’m sort of rushing things.

I know it seems like the second one would make more sense, but I’m not sure if I’m going to have the money to fix TWO cars right now. And my blazer is just sitting at a shop, and I think the guy is getting mad. I gotta throw him a couple bucks tomorrow for being so nice.

inb4uguyssaygirlssuckatdriving. HA.

junk blazer now

or, find a way to have him part shit out.

ugh… fixing the blazer doesn’t seem worth it for the extra 250 bucks you will claim to get from it…

seems like you should junk the blazer and TRANSFER the registration over, get the 150 from the blazer… if they will give you money for it… fix the audi… or junk both and snag that 350 dollar hyundai excel thats inthe FS section…

then get a job, and 250 bucks wont be such a big issue next time

Go to sleep. I don’t need your input. :lolsign: J/k tehe;lajfl;kjsd.

Edit: To “Daddie.”

I have a job, you assfuck. It’s just, my parents aren’t the type to hand me money anytime I need it. And I’m 18. And I’m about to start school. And I have to pay for gas/car insurance/recreational things/clothes/hygiene products/etc. I don’t really have extra money to pull out of my ass for things that I don’t plan on happening. And I don’t know where you’re getting this $250 figure from.

I would NEVER own/drive a Hyundai in my entire life. Kthnx.

fix the blazer, pound the piss out of it for the winter, sell it come spring

i cant beleive im saying this next part … dont drive the audi during the winter, i dont want to see anything happen to it

So um, how much does it cost typically to replace an oil pan?

Go to a local junkyard , find a used oil pan ,and do it your self.

sell blazer. Hire fuzzy to deliver food to your fat ass. Done…j/k of course

i might take the blazer off your hands pending viewifcation…

Was thinking the same thing but you beat me to it hahahahha

junk yard oil pan = $5.

Sounds like its not too bad of a fix.
As long as the tire is good, get a replacement rim at the junkyard as well. Rims at junkyards are usually like 15 bucks. I’d say keep rocking the Blazer (fix it as cheap as junkyard possible) if the Audi is nice…

Depending on the condition of the Audi, I dont see why not just drive that. Theres no salt or bad weather out yet :slight_smile:

Not sure if anyone here has replaced an oil pan on a 4.3 lter blazer before…not soo bad on a 4x4 but will require some tricks to avoid doing a shit load of work. Requires pulling the engien on a 2wd.

Replaced on a 4.3l S10… wasn’t too hard, I wouldnt expect toooo much difference

Go to a junk yard get an oil pan for a few bucks($5-20) + gasket ($???). And a junk tire/rim. ($20) All said and done it won’t cost much to fix, though it might be a pain in the butt for the oil pan.

Or as for the audi what kind of audi is it/what does it need?

When I got my oil pan @ pick-a-part in Elmira… it was $5

Sell blazer, sell audi, buy one cheap reliable economy car.

You’re 18 and starting school, why the hell do you own two cars, one of them a luxury brand?

Graduate school, get a real job, then start thinking about having a nice car, IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT.


hey exactly what i said… and i got called an assfuck

My Audi is an 89! It’s not a fuckin’ luxury car.