what the fuck!

  1. towel head 248 up, 66 down

A derogatory term for one of Middle Eastern descent, especially a male. It comes from their custom of wearing a turban.
“Some guy in a restaurant called my grandmom a towel head… We’re all pretty upset about that.”
by Peri Banu Aug 7, 2004 email it
2. Towel Head 162 up, 48 down

  1. Derogatory term to refer to those of Middle-Eastern (or Indian, but I suspect only because most people would use “Towel Head” in everyday conversation couldn’t tell the difference between the two to save their lives) origin, based on the religious custom of wearing a turban.

  2. A missed oppurtunity to use the term “Dune Coon”, which at least always makes me laugh.

  3. That hick just called Rashid a Towel Head.

  4. I knew Cletus was more retarded than the other hicks when he called Rashid a Towel Head, instead of a Dune Coon.