Does any body on here know how to tell if you have got a concussion! I hurt my head playing football and my vision was blurry and things were spinning now i feel light headed and a bad ass headache constantly.

you have a concussion.

great awesome :mad: Can I sleep, because i heard you are not supposed to sleep with a concussion?

drink a few beers and take a nice long nap, it will pass in a few hours and you’ll be fine. :slight_smile:

yep you’ll be fine.

my friend did that while he had one but he woke up unable to move and he went to the hospital, but I think his was deffinalty a major concussion rather than a mild one.

thanks for the help

if he couldn’t move, how did he get to the hospital???


you got knocked the fuck out

Christ sake, don’t go to sleep w/ a few beers in you. Go to the hospital!

Although, as long as you don’t fall asleep RIGHT AWAY after getting the concussion, I think you’re fine.

the concussion was yesterday, i think he’ll be fine now.

“Dats my momma’s chain”

You usually puke with a concussion, too.

thats what you get for headbutting cory…

This coming from the guy who almost stepped on my face

:blah: :slap:

i don’t think it has so much to do with going to sleep as falling into a coma…it’s not that you can’t go to sleep when you’re tired but the concussion puts you out…so if you smacked oyur head hard at lik 10am and worried about sleeping at 11pm you’re just retarded