what to look for in a projector system?

been wanting a big screen TV for a while now, but due to space limitations @ my apartment, it’s not really worth while for me.

Then I started considering projectors… but the problem is that my walls are all white (aka, my apartment, especially during the day time, is extremely bright)… I guess thats nothing that some dark curtins couldnt cure though.

how bad is watching one in a brightly lit room? Would you reccomend one for everyday use? TV and such? How is the picture quality? This would be replacing my current TV in my living room to open it up a little more (get rid of my TV stand/TV/ect)

also, where can you get them a little less expensive? I cringe when I think about dropping $600.00 + on something that I may not be happy with.

well, for $600 you are not going to get one that works well during daylight. the two things to look for for acceptable daylight use is contrast and brightness. we have the panasonic AE-900 here is a review

600 bucks wont even get you a good screen.

save ur money and buy a good one steve.

so true. Our screen was $600, and it has a few slight waves :mad:

well… I was looking at refurbished models, which seem to be around 1/4-1/2 the price as new but damn… I think I’d rather go for the HD rear projection setup than spend 4K on a projector. thats some serious loot for a TV.

not to mention how much easier it is for a theif to steal than a regualr TV. I dont know… thats alot of $$$. Is it honestly worth what their asking? I could see alot of colors getting bleached out… or is that not the case? (I imagine witha good screen, it would be minimal)



:tup: this is where I went before I bought my sony widescreen, saved me from making a $1300 mistake. very higly recommended.