What to spend our Membership and sponsorship money on

Ok just some ideas on what we can use our membership and sponsorship money on.

My vote is for a Husky in Millwoods as this would save me a lot of money, mind you, so would getting pyreXXX a sex change as this would cut down on me having to pay for dates, so I’m good with either of those.

Me too. After all, I already have the cleavage for it, and it’s hard to conceal the bulge when I wear my bikini! :smiley:

Pfft…all Bryce has to do is cruise down 97th street…I’m sure there are a lot of “ladies” willing to give up the goods for a price, and if not, we’ll all get to laugh at a funny mug shot of him looking terribly embarrassed. :E

LoL, riiiiiiiight.

Has anyone thought about increasing the membership rates? I know this sounds crazy, but another $10/member would give us a whole bunch of extra cash for equipment and it’s really not that much money for a car guy.

We had fees at $30 at one point, but they were lowered to $20. We would have almost another $500 if we raised it by ten bux. But remember its $20 per year, not just a one time payment.

The thing is, I’m sure we can make money running events - we just need a place to actually host them.

Is this all because i said you cant pick up chicks in a spec v :E

dont hate the player hate the game

you can only play the game with the right deck of cards and unfortunately having a V-card up your sleeve isnt going to get you very far :lol:

Not at all, not at all. You can pick up chicks in a Spec V! I mean, look at the gaggle of biotches I had around the car last night. WAHOOO, had to beat 'em off with a stick, I did. :smiley:

Oh I know this Dave. If people can’t afford $30/year for a car club…well they are in the wrong hobby.

That extra $500 right there would buy our pilons for the first time. With membership increasing we would hopefully be able to get good timing equipment within a year…and I mean GOOD timing equipment. :E

$30 first time mebership , $20 after that ?

The reason we don’t have it higher is because we intend on having a few sponsors paying the $200/year, which would bump up the numbers, as well as creating some revenue from events held by us.

Has there ever been any thought put into hosting a Show ‘N’ Shine?? Or even a Sound Competition. I’m sure with the sound competition I could get the guys from Subserious to help with their DB measure. Free advertising for them as well!! AND most of all bring Interest in our club. A Show ‘N’ Shine for all kinds of cars(not just Nissan’s) and with the entry fees purchase 1st,2nd and 3rd place trophy’s. The club raises money and awareness!! :lol:

Maybe if you combined it with a holiday or something. Like a Halloween show n shine where everyone dresses up - although it’ll be too cold in October to have one, but you get the idea.

Its actually a good idea, maybe we should look into this.