What type of club/bar/lounge does B-lo need?

There are many factors which influence a places appeal that most owners dont recognize. A place cannot excel in one are and slack in others. Its a blend of factors that make a bar successful.

Place should be tailored to a certain Clientele: here we are looking for upscale.
-This doesnt mean EXPENSIVE furnishings and lamps and shit (like so many people assume)
It means CLEAN, Professional staff, prompt service.
Good bar access (Stillwater has HORRIBLE bar access)

There should be an area that draws people AWAY from the bar once the have their drinks. You dont want people that already have drinks loitering at the bar taking up space when there are others waiting to get served.(Prespa’s lounge, wall seating, and patio areas did this very well)

Room size is critical. The bar MUST look busy. People will stay if ir looks busy and leave otherwise. The place should be just big enough to create a good atmosphere and fit as many people as u can serve. If its too large it will look empty(not busy) = failure.

Music is absolutely critical. No lounge music shit. It should be house music, mixed with funk, trance, and a bit of everything else but NO RAP. The music should be fun and positive. You want to listen to all rock or top 40 go to the 30 shitholes on Chippewwa.
Music is what SELECTS your crowd for you- most people dont see this simple fact. Dont want bums, dont play rap, ect.

Music VOLUME is critical. So many places fuck this up. The music should be loud enough to where its motivating yet where everyone is comfortable enough to talk without yelling. The music need to be heard. (Snooty Fox never got that right but they seem to be improving(so has the quality of music))

There should be a small dance area. If people want to get down that is great and it brings up the energy and vibe in the place.

Layout. Placement of bar/furniture is important… You wan the place cozy yet functional… no traffic jams or other problems that will annoy patrons.

CLEAN / DRY bathrooms: a must

You need to push 1 night heavy and get the word out. This all comes back to “Looking Busy”. The rest will follow suit. People want to go out when a bar is happening and full of other sexy people. Advertizing “Special Events” like DJs coming in REALLY helps to get a place packed and the word out.

Ambience/Lighting - Absolutely critical. You dont want the place too bright or to dark. Bright bars suck. A dimly lit bar creates a veil of mystery and helps people “look better”. Others may prefer a bit more light. The key is to offer both. The bar should be dim yet offer small areas like tables/,main bar that offers additional lighting.

There are other things but im getting lazy in typing. If you want some advice feel free to ask. I have a good idea of what you are looking for and this is a subject I know pretty well.

Prespa was the only bar in Buffalo worth a rats ass that came close to that “right” formula for that clientele(how it was a YEAR ago- the “real” Prespa has been dead for a year)