What type of club/bar/lounge does B-lo need?

Prespa as it used to fit the original post description to a tee. Before that, the front lobby room of Sphere was really nice as well. Unfortunately, both of those places went the path a lot of EDM places go, and turned from a nice upscale place to a ghetto hangout.

658 in its day was my favorite though, really cool building and the best music. Ideally I’d like to see another 658 kind of place open up, but I just don’t know how feasible a dedicated house/trance/jungle/dnb place would be in Buffalo. If anyone remembers/had been to System Soundbar in Toronto, thats exactly like what I’d like to see here.

But like I said, it seems that for bars to well in Buffalo they need to have either rock (Allen St. crowd), my second choice, or kiss 98.5 douchebag top 40 (Chippewa).


IDK i was actually thinking of ways to avoid this but i dont think its possible. So say there are 10 hotties and 30 dudes so im like ugh wtf and go get 40 hotties so we now have 50 im sure we would then have 150 dudes it would only take a few minutes lol. What im saying is even if you go a bar that had a good amount of women that would just make more men come.


have selective entry with a list of VIP guys that can come in and the typical velvet rope, everyone else has to wait for 1 to come out? Might work like the cartmans amusement park south park episode where it drives up demand, and get people there earlier, or it might backfire cause buffalo is too small of a city to sustain it…

I have been to system/soundbar in TO and i like it alot. I have never been to Prespa or 658 as im not in Buffalo often. You are right about a dedicated house/trance etc. place in buffalo probably not feasible. I do like allen being a member of the rock crowd and all. I was just home a few weeks ago which is what got me thinking. I figured this thread would spark all types of interest as ive been all over and i kinda feel like the Buffalo scene is missing alot of options compared to other places ive been. Especially with the amount of individuality and culture that buffalo expresses an interest in. Seriousley ive been some places where i feel liek the people are just drones lol. I would like to see more development of the Elmwod and Hertel(sp.) strips with some nicer places. How long ago did those places start to open on Elm? Alot of people have responded with your idea sounds like x but thats the point. One places develop a nice strip r a style all of the places on said strip will benefit from eachother. They will all be unique in their own way and people like options. You might not get it but think about whn you go out more often then not you probably choose to go somewhere with other options close by. This thought process brings more overall business for all. What im getting at is IMO it would be better to open a nicer place where there are already 3-4 others as long as you bring something to the table people will com buy your booze lol. Ok more ideas please. To clear things up for anyone trying to figure out my interest there is a remote chance i would open a place but that isnt really a concern right now i wont even be home for almost two years. More or less just good topic of discussion especially for those of you who have been to other larger cities. Keep them coming.


have selective entry with a list of VIP guys that can come in and the typical velvet rope, everyone else has to wait for 1 to come out? Might work like the cartmans amusement park south park episode where it drives up demand, and get people there earlier, or it might backfire cause buffalo is too small of a city to sustain it…


Already thought of that Joe lol good plan but i dont think you could make somewhere that exclusive/deseriable in Buffalo. But there is a problem for sure because i was just looking at the 2000 census and WTF there are more women then men in Buffalo. Like 100/84 or some shit WTF? We need to get these chicks out but to be honest its probably the dudes that keep them in hahahaha.

Sadly System Soundbar closed two years ago :frowning: . Not for a lack of business, but because the owners felt it was time to move on.

As for Elmwood, Toro, Mode (old Le Metro), and Nektar all sprung up around 3-5 years ago. Off The Wall has various nights of house and dnb, but is hit or miss in terms of being crowded. Stillwater has house on saturday nights at 12:30 and gets a decent crowd.

Check out the artvoice calendar to get an idea of whats going on at different bars and nights for various kinds of music: http://artvoice.com/calendar

I know its not necessarily a club, but Lucky Strike does really well in Detroit
Pretty much a super Dave and Busters with extremely hot girls
It has like 3 floors:
Restaurant and games

Redrum i went to stillwater just a few weeks ago on a Saturday and i really liked the place itself but was not impressed with the dj or sound at all. But it was for sure a really cool interior design. I think the Elmwood strip is going to do well in the next 5-10 years if you ask me. Especially since i keep reading articles about how N. Buffalo is becoming a popular choice for young professionals and i think such group would rather go to Elm then Chippewa. I cant believe people even go to Chip WTF i go once eveytime im home just to make sure i still cant stand it lol.

Ron i dont intend on this thread being dedicated to just clubs at all. Also almot everywhere else ive been has had some type of place like you mention so it could be a good thing for Buffalo as well. Ive never been to one that blows my mind but ive never gone to one and had a bad time either. Also it can keep a group of people with different interest happy.


Honestly I feel like you’re describing Nectar. It’s right across from Toro and more of a semi upscale lounge than a standard bar. Music is at a reasonable level for conversation etc.


nektar is nice, however its totally a bar for Regulars and wealthy middle aged men. billy fuccillo and some of the chippewa club owners practically live there, its a little stagnant. if you go there with a girl you have 15old guys staring at her. i dont think there would be any new places opening up around Toro, that street is already saturated.

my idea place would be a mix of Toro and Prespa, i like toro and my good friend is the manager there, but there are too many dinner tables there it gets obnoxious because when people are at dinner the only place to sit is at the bar, and there are probably under 25chairs there. id also like it to be darker like Prespa with little candles and more ambient lighting. I kinda like Hardware on allen. basically all the places i describe i have the mentality that you go there With people, not looking to Find people…

I really like Hardware as well, but its way too cramped when it gets busy. They need to get rid of the bar stools after 11pm on weekends. Toro is a restaurant first and a bar second, so I see no reason to change the layout there. A little separation would be nice but it would come at the cost of tables.

an inside out club. the inside looks like the street, and the outside looks like the inside. /night at the roxbury

and free drinks

We need a chipotle.


The Guvernment


^ While I would love to say yes.

It would never, ever work around here. Ever.

Sphere was the closest Buffalo ever had to the Guv, and it was a far cry at that. And it didnt work…

working in the nightlife industry pretty heavily in buffalo

i would say there’s nothing you can do better/differently then bars in the recent past other then decent promotion, dj and events.

the buffalo bars wonder why they get their asses kicked to the ground right away, but none of them know how to promote effectively for the area, not many have any music that’s even current to clubbing in 2007 (minus the top40 bars getting the top40 part right but nothing else), and don’t throw any good worthwhile events…

look at coyotes. they are killing it for a reason and they are out of the downtown area…bands…alright promotion…alright music selection…

i’m laughing my ass off at people that want a Guv around here. keep dreaming, you need more then a 40 person crowd a night to book superstar DJs.

^ :word:

anyone been to prespa lately? i stopped working there 3+ months ago, and it sucked hard even then…

i couldn’t play anything but dirty south hiphop or the “crowd” would leave most nights. i know some of you know what i’m talking about.

It sucks hard now a days. Real hard.


It sucks hard now a days. Real hard.


damn, still straight hood in there nowdays? i don’t know what kinda management works TOWARD that crowd…most try to stay away from that demographic lol

There are many factors which influence a places appeal that most owners dont recognize. A place cannot excel in one are and slack in others. Its a blend of factors that make a bar successful.

Place should be tailored to a certain Clientele: here we are looking for upscale.
-This doesnt mean EXPENSIVE furnishings and lamps and shit (like so many people assume)
It means CLEAN, Professional staff, prompt service.
Good bar access (Stillwater has HORRIBLE bar access)

There should be an area that draws people AWAY from the bar once the have their drinks. You dont want people that already have drinks loitering at the bar taking up space when there are others waiting to get served.(Prespa’s lounge, wall seating, and patio areas did this very well)

Room size is critical. The bar MUST look busy. People will stay if ir looks busy and leave otherwise. The place should be just big enough to create a good atmosphere and fit as many people as u can serve. If its too large it will look empty(not busy) = failure.

Music is absolutely critical. No lounge music shit. It should be house music, mixed with funk, trance, and a bit of everything else but NO RAP. The music should be fun and positive. You want to listen to all rock or top 40 go to the 30 shitholes on Chippewwa.
Music is what SELECTS your crowd for you- most people dont see this simple fact. Dont want bums, dont play rap, ect.

Music VOLUME is critical. So many places fuck this up. The music should be loud enough to where its motivating yet where everyone is comfortable enough to talk without yelling. The music need to be heard. (Snooty Fox never got that right but they seem to be improving(so has the quality of music))

There should be a small dance area. If people want to get down that is great and it brings up the energy and vibe in the place.

Layout. Placement of bar/furniture is important… You wan the place cozy yet functional… no traffic jams or other problems that will annoy patrons.

CLEAN / DRY bathrooms: a must

You need to push 1 night heavy and get the word out. This all comes back to “Looking Busy”. The rest will follow suit. People want to go out when a bar is happening and full of other sexy people. Advertizing “Special Events” like DJs coming in REALLY helps to get a place packed and the word out.

Ambience/Lighting - Absolutely critical. You dont want the place too bright or to dark. Bright bars suck. A dimly lit bar creates a veil of mystery and helps people “look better”. Others may prefer a bit more light. The key is to offer both. The bar should be dim yet offer small areas like tables/,main bar that offers additional lighting.

There are other things but im getting lazy in typing. If you want some advice feel free to ask. I have a good idea of what you are looking for and this is a subject I know pretty well.

Prespa was the only bar in Buffalo worth a rats ass that came close to that “right” formula for that clientele(how it was a YEAR ago- the “real” Prespa has been dead for a year)