What type of club/bar/lounge does B-lo need?

whats the point of this thread? unless youre all gonna pitch in and build one youre just being fanboys


im not the “club” ing type…

dakota cafe(next to the grill) has a hookah bar

Honestly I feel like you’re describing Nectar. It’s right across from Toro and more of a semi upscale lounge than a standard bar. Music is at a reasonable level for conversation etc.

This is highly off topic but I want a Jamba Juice.

what if you took alternative brews menu mixed with a more classy establishment in the DT area?? http://www.alternativebrews.com/pageDisplay.jsp?pageid=9534


im not the “club” ing type…


This was atleast amusing but if you read what i said it dosent have to be a club. Just wherever you would like to go like if you could create you personal favorite place to go i guess.


Honestly I feel like you’re describing Nectar. It’s right across from Toro and more of a semi upscale lounge than a standard bar. Music is at a reasonable level for conversation etc.


Come on Mike you are better then this. LOL this is not at all what i was asking for in the thread. It was what YOU would want not me or what i described. But yes Zong and you are both on the track of what i described. Only if it were MY fantasy club/lounge/bar it would be more upscale. Alot more goes into a fine establishment then just a modernish interior.


This is highly off topic but I want a Jamba Juice.


This is still closer to a valid reposnse then most of the other stuff in the thread. Ok ill help my ideal place to go on a sat night would have so much Jamba Juice we could all stip and bathe in it. What is Jambe Juice anyhow?


what if you took alternative brews menu mixed with a more classy establishment in the DT area?? http://www.alternativebrews.com/pageDisplay.jsp?pageid=9534


That is kinda on track with what i would like but im more interested in what YOU would like.


That is kinda on track with what i would like but im more interested in what YOU would like.


that is my scene personally whats better than a classy clean bar with awesome drinks that keep you interested, and when you find a nice micro brew that you love and can only find at that particular bar… ect … hip classy our generation style… do it ill be the # 1 customer

Good to hear. This is exactley what alot o the nicer places in Seattle and Vancouver are like and i loved it. I just edited my original post to help people somewhat and give more detail on my fantasy bar. I didnt go in depth because im not really interested in what i want more so what you guys want.

Sorry man I was just making sure you knew there was already a place like you described right there…

I have three options. The second two wouldn’t be profitable if clones of myself were the only audience…good thing they aren’t. :slight_smile:

  1. A lounge like Nectar. Modern, semi sophisticated, but not pretentious. You can actually talk to your friends without yelling. I’d go there whenever I had the chance. I think you’ll get a lot of 25-40’s with something like this. I absolutely cannot stand eurotrash dance music. Lounge/chillout music please.

  2. A standard bar with a live band playing that I want to see. Otherwise I wouldn’t go to a place like that because they’re loud and you can’t talk to anyone.

  3. A club with a House, Breaks, Jungle, or Techno (the real thing) DJ I want to see perform. It better have a good sound system and again if it isn’t someone I REALLY want to see I won’t go because if I’m going out to hear music it will be something I like.
    Example: 658 but with a good sound system.

I like #1 and i feel you on the lounge/chillout music. Like what would you like to hear? I wonder what most places like that do for their music anyhow? I mean places that dont have a dj is it sat radio maybe random cds perhaps? #3 would be cool too but im not sure b-lo would have a scene big enough to support that. Good input thanks. Did you see my first post edit for more of what i would like?


I like #1 and i feel you on the lounge/chillout music. Like what would you like to hear? I wonder what most places like that do for their music anyhow? I mean places that dont have a dj is it sat radio maybe random cds perhaps? #3 would be cool too but im not sure b-lo would have a scene big enough to support that. Good input thanks. Did you see my first post edit for more of what i would like?


most places do have a dj on at all times, or at least somebody controlling the music. like i said before, our club just got the internet jukebox so it allows customers to purchase songs for a dollar and it will play them. im not so sure about the sat. radio, it might not be a bad idea, but i personally would like to choose what i want to hear. as for the live band, its always a big hit when you can watch live music. theres nothing like it, the energy and atmosphere is rediculous, especially when youve got the lights and sounds system to go along with it. to me the most important thing is the bar itself. if you have a small bar or lack of bartenders, a club will never bring in more people. Club W has a full 360 degree bar, the only one like it in buffalo. Theres 10 flat screens and 10 leather couches along with a vip area too. hope that helps out for whatever your trying to get out of this.

hardware pretty much does it for me. great music (blues, gypsy jazz, even old school hip hop) large beer selection, art on the walls, wine by the glass, entrees (great date spot).

a pirate themed strip joint.

I really like hardware as well. They also have beer i really like called rogue dead guy ale from oregon. Thanks Brendan lol that would be sweet. You would be my dj btw.

I would like to add i am undecided about food. I dont really like it when places have full menus but i think simple appetizers could work well.

A good bar that isnt a sausage fest.
Why do those 2 things always go together anyway?

bring back Prespa to where it was about 2 years ago.


A good bar that isnt a sausage fest.
Why do those 2 things always go together anyway?


IDK i was actually thinking of ways to avoid this but i dont think its possible. So say there are 10 hotties and 30 dudes so im like ugh wtf and go get 40 hotties so we now have 50 im sure we would then have 150 dudes it would only take a few minutes lol. What im saying is even if you go a bar that had a good amount of women that would just make more men come.