what was your roadtest like?

  1. how many years have u had your license? 7
  2. how long did you have permit for when you took your road test? 6 months
  3. what was your score, and what did you get points off for? perfect, nothing
  4. anything good/bad to say about the ‘instructor’? She was cool and hearted my MCSS
  5. any other memorable things to add? Bitch changed the radio station on me

I got mine when I was 17. The lady was cool as hell. She was too busy telling me about her trip to Florida, and wasn’t even paying attention to my driving. I would of passed either way though.

  1. how many years have u had your license?

  2. how long did you have permit for when you took your road test?

  3. what was your score, and what did you get points off for?

  4. anything good/bad to say about the ‘instructor’?

  5. any other memorable things to add?

  6. 20 years

  7. 2 months

  8. I got points of for abrupt braking

  9. The instructor was OK

  1. how many years have u had your license?
  2. how long did you have permit for when you took your road test?
  3. what was your score, and what did you get points off for?
  4. anything good/bad to say about the ‘instructor’?
  5. any other memorable things to add?

  1. 12 years
  2. 2 months
  3. dont remember my exact score but the only thing i had points taken off for…I was at a redlight and had to turn right…I stopped fully and waited for it to go green…initially, i pulled up past the line as if i were doing a right on red…but i was unsure if i could turn at the time, so i just waited…she basically knocked points off because if i was not turning on red, i should have stopped before the line.
  4. Nothing bad to say, she was actually very nice.
  5. Went to use the turn signl and hit the wipers (on the same switch), couldnt shut them off, and by the time i did, i had the lights on, beams and everything else that shouldnt have been on…all while trying to parallel park…nerves got the best of me on that one…but i managed to get everything shut off, and parked it perfectly on the first shot…and she was cool about it.

and to add something…what were you driving during your road test? I was in like an 89 Dodge Caravan lol

  1. how many years have u had your license?

  2. how long did you have permit for when you took your road test?

  3. what was your score, and what did you get points off for?

  4. anything good/bad to say about the ‘instructor’?

  5. any other memorable things to add?

  6. Location

  7. Car driven

  8. 4 years

  9. 1 year, got my permit on my Birthday, took Road test 1 year later on my Birthday

  10. I got no points taken off, but the lady told me I had poor judgement at blind intersections, (who doesn’t?? lol) and I have abrupt braking/accelerating. (LOL! tends to happen when ur a racer at heart)

  11. Lady was a bitch, she kept telling me to SLOW DOWN, IM DOING THIS ALL TO QUICKLY! She still passed me though. What a nice bitch she was.

  12. I remember I was going like 27 mph down a city street, and she said I was traveling to fast for residential areas. mmkay?

  13. Batavia

  14. Saturn SL1

too add to my original post:

  1. Tonawanda (city)
  2. 1997 Fored Taurus station wagon with the ‘blind spot from hell’
  1. how many years have u had your license?

  2. how long did you have permit for when you took your road test?

  3. what was your score, and what did you get points off for?

  4. anything good/bad to say about the ‘instructor’?

  5. any other memorable things to add?

  6. Location

  7. Car driven

  8. 4 Years

  9. About a year, maybe a little more. I and my parents wanted me to have a full winter of driving under my belt with supervision before I could get my license.

  10. Perfect score.

  11. Really said nothing. the whole test was LITERALLY going around the block once. 5 minutes. Rocked everythhing perfect, he said, alright all done.

  12. East Aurora

  13. 2000 Dodge Neon

  1. how many years have u had your license?

  2. how long did you have permit for when you took your road test?

  3. what was your score, and what did you get points off for?

  4. anything good/bad to say about the ‘instructor’?

  5. any other memorable things to add?

  6. 5 years
    2)Got permit in june,took road test in november.
    3)no problems
    4)guy was fat and pissy because he didnt fit well into the car and the automatic seatbelt hit him in the face.
    5)Test was taken in a 89 escort,in East Aurora.

1.)3.5 Years
2.)1.33 Months
3.)0 points off
4.)She thought I was much older and said I was nicely dressed
5.)I had several cars before I turned 16, took the test in a manual
7.)'85 535

did anyone else notice that tony danza’s on here now?

  1. how many years have u had your license?

  2. how long did you have permit for when you took your road test?
    Shortest amount of time I think…

  3. what was your score, and what did you get points off for?
    good score…only thing noted was pulling away from the curb a little too fast?

  4. anything good/bad to say about the ‘instructor’?
    no sense of humor

  5. any other memorable things to add?
    I started the test off with a 3 point turn…I forgot to put the car in drive and reved the motor. I kinda made a joke about being nervous…she said nothing.

  6. Tonawanda

  7. grand prix

  1. how many years have u had your license?
    19 years

  2. how long did you have permit for when you took your road test?
    Fuck if i know

  3. what was your score, and what did you get points off for?
    Fuck if i know

  4. anything good/bad to say about the ‘instructor’?
    All good

  5. any other memorable things to add?
    Lincoln town car.

I’ve had my license for 5.75 years. I had my permit for 5 months. I took my test in East Aurora in a 5sp '91 Jetta GLI, in a BLIZZARD! Right before the test, I went to stop and almost slid into the sign. I thought I was fucked. I passed the first time, with points off for sliding a bit going around a corner, and being too far from the curb. I could barely see where the curb was supposed to be, and it’s pretty hard not to slide on ice. I can’t remember the instructor at all.

  1. how many years have u had your license?
  2. how long did you have permit for when you took your road test?
  3. what was your score, and what did you get points off for?
  4. anything good/bad to say about the ‘instructor’?
  5. any other memorable things to add?

9 years ago.

Permit for 6 mos.

Buffalo/William St.

I got 100

The instructor got in the car after giving a tractor trailer road test and said congratulations you have your license…drive around the block so I can fill out this paperwork :slight_smile:

  1. how many years have u had your license?
  2. how long did you have permit for when you took your road test?
  3. what was your score, and what did you get points off for?
  4. anything good/bad to say about the ‘instructor’?
  5. any other memorable things to add?


6 months

The only points I lost were for lack of observation. I believe it was 5 pts off.

She was pulling her split ends out in the car. My dad was pissed her long gross hair was everywhere.

She asked me how school was going and because I was so nervous I said ‘are you talking to me?’ She asked me while i was parallel parking.
I thought I in drive and I was really in Neutral…i revved that mean v8 magnum at her! Road test in a Dodge Durango ftw.

I bet you really intimidated her right there…