Unless you’re over 40 don’t buy a 'Vette. You’ll spoil our image of old divorced guys with gold chains and a bad comb-over hair style. I haven’t got laid since I bought the ‘vette. Besides you might not be able able to handle 350 HP STOCK. And who the hell would want that “Blazer interior” anyway. Who needs HUD, tire pressure sensors, traction control, 6 gears, Bose, leather and an LS1. Keep your entry level Cavy, you don’t need the Chevy flagship. Why would you want one of the best handling cars ever made in the USA? Don’t waste your money on GM, union made garbage. It’s a cryin’ shame where my stock 'Vette ended up on the Who > who thread this year. We all know about depreciation. I’ll bet those Evo, STI will be worth way more than the same age Corvette in 10 or 20 years from now. Take my POS for a ride and see how un-fun it is. Buy a new Cobalt and be done with it.