What would you like Obama do second?

It is YOU"RE for Christ’s sakes why can’t you get it right? You’re a teacher correct?

You do realize you’ve become the left’s version of AWD right?

Watching Obama humpers in NY complain about NY taxes and political decisions has to be the ultimate political irony. It’s like seeing a Jewish Nazi.

Of course not, it was a legitimate question that could simply be answered by either answering the poll or answering the question if the poll doesn’t have what you believe should be the answer.

But since the whiners and conspiracy theorists are still pissed because their side lost all credibility and power over the last 2 years, this thread will probably become another place for them to vent their frustration.

Unless these people believe that our country is perfect there is no reason for them not to simply answer the question, regardless of whether you voted for Obama or not he is still the President yours and mine.

so again, economy aside, what do you want him to try and accomplish?

Bull Shit there are plenty of issues I have with the left, but that would mean I don’t fit in yours and 'ol Blues simplistic categorization that you like to put everyone in.

If you want to know where I stand on issues, just ask. Who knows you might be surprised.

The 2 years the Dems had control of everything but the oval office.

And two years the reps had control under Clinton.

EDIT: misunderstood your meaning: in those two years the dems gain controlled because of a loss of credibility by the reps. That is my point. In fact if the reps don’t turn it around they will find themselves in near obscurity by 2010, and that comes from nearly every political analyst on ever network.


you’re going in my new sig “people I like:”

I love Mr. PacMan in yours lol

Can I vote for him to do none of the things in the poll?

so you think the real war is in iraq still :picard:

After serving 3 tours in afghanistan, I know its not there either.

There is no real “war” with the wanabee hippies all over the services backs crying for the “innocent”.

None of the shit choices you put in this poll?


ahhhh, so you know of the legend that is Billy Mitchell? lol :headbang:

I do…guy was an icon in the day. He ruled the arcade scene.

Make Oprah a cabinet position!

troops out of iraq, a friend of mine has been there for 8 months, says everyone is bored or standing around and doing nothing. Meanwhile hes making 3200 a month.

You lose.

i liek totaly cant wait 4 him 2 fail and the country to get fuked so that i can rub it in my demokrat friendz faces

Seriously though, every far right republican I’ve talked to his actually hoping for Obama to fail as a President. He’s a solid man with obviously strong standards. Probably he will repeat the Patriot Acts and definitely he will repeal No Child Left Behind.

what the fuck is wrong with the title of this thread…

