what would you pic?

no, ap2s have better chassis and interior design, structurally more rigid, but ap1 has that awesome f20.

Thing with ap1’s is after so many years, they are abused. Engine’s aren’t in pristine condition.

And no one can tell me there not abused. If i had a 9 k redline i’d hit that shit everyday.

Just buy a Miata

some people love the feel of new cars and others preffer older.
s2k will give you a nice clean feeling where the supra might feel ghettoer, just my opinion.

i work for the city of toronto and make more then u.
i arleady have a 93 miata and its boosted.

thanks for your opinions
keep eem commmin

So what you’re saying, that to win an internet dick measuring contest, you basically admitted to committing a crime? You’re dumber than Ahmed.

I absolutely love it when people like to tell someone else that they make more money than the next person. ROFL. Obviously mikey is insecure and wants to know what people like so that he can drive a car that other people actually want.

I feel bad for the kid, spending his whole life, working, just to impress people on a forum.

I also love how he takes offence so easily and starts yelling out all these racist slurs.

Seriously mike, I don’t want to offend you but aren’t you 20 by now? My advice is to grow out of whatever phase you’re in right now. It’s not healthy.

By the time you hit 30, the only friends you’ll have are the ones that want your “money”.

As far as I know, you’re known as an “idiot and clown” in person.

I might be known as that on an internet forum, but it stays that way. I’m still friends with a lot of people on the forum. And they know that I’m completely different in person.

Something tells me I might get a high school response from you. If I don’t, that means you’re learning. :slight_smile:

Just my 2 cents. (Yes I know you have more money than me)

What really gets me, is that he’s saying that he’s illegally taking advantage of low income housing while making “more than Arruda”. Any intelligent person that is benefiting from an illegal endeavor should be smart enough to NOT admit to it on a local car forum where almost everyone knows him in person.

you should get nether of them. Cause your families poor and your dad used to be a transsexual.

wtf are u guys talking about
he called me out saying that i did this and that for my money

all i said was i worked for the city of torotno.
mark im sorry are u not the one who had some one come to your house to fuck you up?
an idiot and a clown i dont know who ur talking about maybe from your little circle of friends

i can say the same about who when people think your a loser that hides behind a computer and is to chicken shit to do anything

What really gets me, is that he’s saying that he’s illegally taking advantage of low income housing while making “more than Arruda”. Any intelligent person that is benefiting from an illegal endeavor should be smart enough to NOT admit to it on a local car forum where almost everyone knows him in person.

and i do this how?
because i work for the city of toronto?

and to impress people on the forum?
im barely on here to care what you guys think about me.
its a internet forum people cant post up what ever they want
all i did was ask for opinions and if this made you jealous of me in someway welll then too bad

nobody asked about what u think my lifestyle was or what i do.
i never brought that up until they posted about me.

so if u want to keep posting up stupid comments and shit like im more then glad to see u say it to my face mark. and solaian.

im in ur area all the time so if u have a problem with me i have no issues meeting u face to face.


which ever one already has the vinyl decals on it…

that would be my choice


LOL, a problem with you? You wrote something stupid, and I laughed at you. I could care less what you do.

You should likely explain yourself better though, so that in the future, people don’t laugh at you.
This is why people think you’re doing something bad:
You live in Regent Park
Regent Park is for low income people
You’re not a low income person
Therefore, you’re illegally taking advantage of low income housing.

im sorry i dont update my status on son to inform everyone that i dont live there anymore
and im sorry i lived in a house

i dont have to explain shit for anyone on here most guys on the boards are pretty civil about shit but theres a couple of you who like to find shit to pick on or try to make ur self feel bigger and better over the internet?

and skinny stfu lol ur a fat fuck from bum fuck no where.

being a fat fuck from bum fuck no where is still better than being a ricer wanna be.

ok michelien boy

im sure everysingle one of my cars are far from rice.
lets see wat u drive cowboy

and if i can recall correctly
ur the guy with the red strobe lights in a pos rust bucket?

i’ll drive a 500hp 240 , and you can call me a ricer anyday


people will always hate

man u people get way to into shit. i was gona suggest making a poll the s2000 or the supra. i would get the supra btw!!