Amherst, Tonawanda, and Kenmore cops will be wayyy up your ass if your doing anything wrong. They love citing you for any traffic infraction they can think of and then some. One of the reasons I like living in the city, I dont get harassed for any pety bullshit.
Funny really, I get hassled more in the city than the suburbs, I’ve been pulled over on Chippewa before, and swarmed at a McDonald’s on Niagara St. by undercovers, never get any tickets though. If you are honest and polite but don’t act scared cops are usually really reasonable. And most people have seen me, tints 5% and chrome wheels, the only white guy that gets pulled over for DWB’s. The surprise when they get to the drivers window is I think most of the reason I never get any tickets, they usually tell me to lose the wheels and tints, but never issue any tickets.