GM’s have ALWAYS been VIN encoded and no you don’t need to reflash anything when you swap a PCM. I even got inspected with a different VIN on my car 2 years in a row. (couldn’t put my VIN in with HP tuners as it’s considered an OS/VIN mismatch).
do that when ya have b.c.m,s and other controll modules and they dont work . trust me i do this shit everyday
OK, well, I’m telling you it works fine as I’ve done it before. Since when don’t LS1a/b PCM cars have a BCM? Obviously it doesn’t work on all models, but LS based models work fine. I do relink VATS and things like that in general, so maybe that has something to do with it.
Oh, and Johnny… you’re right in a lot of cases, but that stuff can be disabled in HP tuners or EFI live if you don’t have access to a TECH II. Not trying to say you’re wrong, you’re not… it’s just all definitely doable.
The issues John is talking about are chassis specific. F bodys are fairly simple and easy to fuck with. If you did a lot of the stuff your talking about on different/newer chassis it wouldn’t work.
Yea, but you can do manual BCM learn etc to get things working without using a TECH II even on newer stuff. We’re talking super temporary for the purpose of inspection only. Honda’s and bullshit like that don’t give a flying fuck, you can swap PCM’s all day in those relics.
Unless you get one of the several dumbasses behind the counter who think its okay to override the emissions from time to time and magically give your car another year of not hitting on a no inspection. Most offices will give you a 30 day temp at the bare minimum if its failed due to emissions though to give you some time to straighten it out and have a reg to drive on.