What's my dog made of? 56k good luck.

Opinions? I rescued her, so it’s anybody’s guess. Obviously there’s German Shepherd, but what else? I’ve had people say everything from lab to pit bull to random other stuff. She’s about 45 pounds and a couple years old. She’s pretty attached to me, has never been aggressive with other people, but I can’t trust her around other animals…except for my fiance’s Maltese who she’s never been aggressive towards thankfully. She regulates her own diet, I just keep her bowl full and she eats like 1/3 of the bowl twice a day. Pretty lazy and very quiet most of the time but starts howling around 8 o’clock every night when it’s time for her walk. Here’s some pics.

So what breed(s) do you think she’s a mix of?

slut and whore

^She was starving, pregnant, and living on the streets when the shelter found her. :stuck_out_tongue:

gotta be some golden lab in there

german shepard too, but you already said that

austrailian sheep dog, shepard and maybe some lab is my best guess.

pizzalicious pringles.

probably part dodge dart too …

100% mutt :lol: mutts are usually pretty friendly

She’s a cutie, that’s for sure

those ears make me think one thing.


I love mutts. :tup:

Kibble N bitts???

Cute as hell btw.

I vote dingo.

Maybe a dingo ate your baby

Haha maybe she is part dingo…

My first thought.


find it. this website is pretty badass. We have a “labbe” or “beagrador”

Wolamute and Boxweiler FTW

guts and black stuff.