What's my dog made of? 56k good luck.

Haha yeah, well she plays the part well. Whenever new people come over to the house she runs up and sits in front of them like a perfect little angel to get attention. Then if you were to set down a sandwich and turn away for a second the little devil will grab it. I know, I can only blame myself for her behavioral issues, but still. It’s funny how smart and manipulative she is. If I’m eating on the couch and set something on the end table. She’ll hop up on the couch and flip upside down with her head in my lap like she’s being affectionate. Then she’ll push a little farther, then a little farther, then before you know it her feigned affection has got her in reach of your sammich! chomp

It’s a good thing I don’t have a big dog. Some of the behaviors that I let slide half the time would be really bad with a 100+ pound dog. Oh well, she’s my first dog. I’m learning.