What's that booming???????????????

I know this is a longshot but does anyone know what the big booms are in Springville?
I know the bridge to no where opens tomorrow so I would think that work is done.:gotme:

It’s the man.

Obama has started shelling your location.



a_ahmed got a hold of a Concorde. You’re screwed.

Any quarries near by? We have a bunch here in Raleigh and the blasting can be felt from a long ways away.


EDIT: WTF… we lost bigclap? Did a_ahmed cut the hands off bigclap?


its about time, now i can bypass tim hortens on the way to my cabin… oh wait… yup huge useless project is still useless.

Man I think Springville is going to loose a TON of business because of this.



i slipped in the shower, you should really talk to the janitor, and get him to put some of those adhesive strips in there.

BREETIME just got a gun…
He’s shooting oxygen tanks…

still don’t know what the booming is :tinfoilhat: lol

BUT, 219 will be open in a few minutes!!! Springville should be a ghost town in a few minutes.lol
No more Damn Canadians driving through leaving their damn money here… wait, wut?

Springville the next Radiator Springs?

i wonder how much time this will cut out getting to HV?

Oh yeah

Im quoting you for your Avatar, I think i actually had that light switch when I was little lol.

The thing is you have to stop at Peters road then drive back to “old” 219 stop and wait to turn left. There were at least 30 cars waiting at the stop sign when I just took a test drive on it.
Driving down thru Zoar Valley was a neat view. Walmart already has a sign as you drive right past their backdoor.lol I am waiting for a Walmart only exit to be built.::picard:

---------- Post added at 02:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 PM ----------

Oh yeah, when I drove by the retaining wall they were already doing what looked like repair work. Maybe the land is still sliding.:gotme: