What's the deal with Vanek this year

Yeah I’m with Jay.

I think Vanek is fantastic in front of the net as well and he does take a lot of shots. Right now he isn’t playing like a 7M player. I still think hes doing more then what his stats show. Vanek plays awesome around a good supporting cast. He’s not an individual stand out, but give him a good line to work with and you’ll see him shine. He hasn’t really had that to work with this year…and the team is slumping…so it’s not just Vanek.

he’ll come around, we’re still waiting for brad may to…

did you really just compare vanek to may? lmao

it was sarcasim.

lol at vanek is a finisher with 12 goals on the season. and way to blame ma for vaneks suckiness

He has a good supporting line he has 2 of the best guys on the team with him, Roy and Maxim, are arguably the best offencsemen on the team consistently.

I have been impressed with Pailles and Mairs recent efforts.

I played hockey for 15 years, he is out of shape and does those shitty penalties becuase hes out of gas and cant catch them so he resorts to getting a penalty.

If you cant catch them, you have to trust that your teammates will.

Like my coach always said, you will have a minute maybe 90 second shift, I want you ready to run at full steam for 4 solid minutes.

In doing that, we never ran out of juice even at the end of our shift.

its all the style of play, Vaneks is different than paille and kalleta. Would you rather watch crosby play then paille and kalleta? sure because of different styles.

having vanek on the team even if he is not scoring is awesome. say youre defending vanek and stafford on a 2 on 1 situation. Everyone would be more focused on vanek because they know what he could do. and with that mindset will take a lot of players of there game

So hes the big bait and while he is targeted the rest of the team is supose to do all the work?

Sweet. Thats some expensive bait

It’s a good thing your youth hockey program growing up taught you how to play NHL hockey.

Yeah, if only Ruff heard of this secret of conditioning, our problems would be solved!

Vanek just has performance anxiety.

Agreed…and when he’s a professional getting paid big bucks, not being able to go a full shift is totally inexcusable.

I’d rather watch Crosby, Paille, and Kalleta because they all play their full minutes rather than just some of them. I see heart there that I don’t see in Vanek. Maybe it’s purely a lack of conditioning and not a lack of heart, but watching a professional getting paid big bucks slack off at the end of shifts and take bad penalties drives me up the wall. It’s ridiculous.

I definitely saw less of this the last game, but again it was the guys that really bust their ass getting the job done.

you ever notice how he coasts to the bench on his heals leaning back slamming his stick like a 12 year old after every shift? WHILE play is still going on. UGH

I’m glad I’m not the only one seeing this…

Somehow my wife never noticed that Miller gets off the ice the same way every single time. He goes by the door to the bench, spins 360 degrees (counter clockwise iirc), and goes out the door…EVERY time.

Thats just a mental thing with him spinning. I can honestly say that miller is not even close to the caliber goalie that the sabres need. We need a goalie not even to play amazing but solid all the time. not great some nights then piss poor other nights like miller. we need luango…


ha i know but out of all the top goalies we need him

The point is he is being paid too much.

I love this post.

The point being. he is a finisher, He needs the puck with another threat so he’s not triple teamed at all times.

I don’t think he’s being paid too much, teams are just more aware of him. So they key in on him.

This is probably the 15th time this has been said in this thread too. I’m seriously done with this thread. there are far too many idiots that know everything about hockey here…