What's the deal with Vanek this year

i dont think im an idiot on the subject. hmm. nope, not at all. considering two of the players ON the sabres i played with, and several others in the OHL AHL and NCAA who will without a doubt play in the NHL. I know what is involved; not that i had what it takes, or was anywhere NEAR it. i was nowhere near the caliber these guys are. but there is no hustle with this guy. i dont care if that isn’t his “style”; to hustle. thats why he isnt scoring up to his ABILITY. he COULD be one of the greats, and at times it shows, … at times

nuff said

vanek is not a finisher. when you cant score, you cant finish. when you cant score in ashootout, coach doesnt trusst you in a shootout, and you give a half assed effort in a shootout, uyour not a finisher, not a multimillion dollar player, not a franchise player. your overpaid and shouldnt be able to cash your check at the end of the week knowing you did a shitty job. if he scores any less than 40 this year he should give the team back half his salary. this goes for any major sports player. if you cant do the job your paid to do sit the fuck down.

when the hell do you see triple or even double teams on him?? he can’t put the puck in the net with no1 on him…
that was stupid.

I agree. If you dont bust your ass everytime your on the ice you shouldnt be getting anywhere NEAR the leagues best salary. Vanek is a 3-4 million dollar player at best. Too bad we couldnt sign either drury or briere or thats all vanek would be makin right now.

actually…nevermind. Hed be in edmonton right now.

most over paid player in the NHL…

Vanek increased his effort over the last 4 games or so by a considerable amount. I’m no longer complaining.

Sure he’s still overpaid for his production, but that’s not his fault as the guys on Versus so astutely put it last night.

Bullshit, keep complaining. He isn’t doing enough, for that kind of money we expect PRODUCTION, not lazy cherry picking.

Management made some huge mistakes. They spent the money on the wrong guy. I can complain about that. If we lose Campbell I’ll be pissed.

he’s overpaid because the oilers threw money at him, and we matched it. do you really think he’d be making that much if we just signed him on our own? i actually feel bad for the guy because he’s getting scrutinized so much and he didn’t even bring it upon himself!

There are only so many NHL players. Anyone relatively good young player will get money thrown at them. That doesn’t make the management’s choice to match a deal OK.

I know Drury wanted to get back to NYC, but Briere made it very clear several times that he wanted to stay. When the Sabres lost both of them they put themselves in a desparate situation where they felt they had to overpay to keep someone and that person was Vanek. This year Vanek is playing like he did the couple years prior to last year so I don’t know why this shouldn’t surprise anyone. Signing a longterm deal under those circumstances wsa a poor gamble even if it ends up working out down the road.

I feel like if they got something ironed out with Briere they wouldn’t have felt like their backs were against the wall and made a risky decision on Vanek.

and management fucked themselves by coming out and saying " we will not loose vanek at any cost" as a PR move to try and save the fans after losing drury/briere… which other gm’s obviously heard and took advantage of. they completely backed themselves into a corner and paid for it pretty bad lol


We had 3 lines that could score at will last year, kinda hard for any team to defend that. Now teams can match up better defencivly with us, and well it shows.