What's the highest you've even been?

Apples to Oranges.

An Overdose of ecstacy will cook your organs, just like an overdose of Alcohol will fry your liver.

Safe amount of X will NOT cook your organs any more than 3 beers will kill you.

OMG. There are thousands of types of X. All X is, is Molly in a pill form. Why> Becuase Molly tastes like shit. Easier to swallow.

Look up Sky 7 Ex. Just one of many forms that is pure, 100% MDMA. Just in a pill.

Guarantee you if some of these large corporate businesses of yours saw this you would be gone.

:facepalm… do what you want


What ever dude. The idea was to share some funny stories with friends, wtf is the big deal If you dont agree with it or have something to share, GTFO. Simple concept really.

Yeah lets not get someones lively hood involved here. Thats kind of crossing the line a little. Someone brought it up, 99 defended himself, call it a day on that shit.

People do what they want to do behind closed doors, I am sure he wont come fucked up to work or to a potential customer so it has nothing to do with his bussiness.

… nahhhhhh

Yeah becasue he could be just attempting to increase his e-peenor. I see nothing proving he or any of us did what we say we did. Just some good ol’ boys shootin the internet shit.

I can’t do E because there is a severe interaction with one of the meds I take.

+1 my friend.

The business is it’s own entity. What I do in my personal life stays in my personal life. When it comes down to business, it will be hard to find someone more serious or as motivated as I am to be successful. What I do, say or feel, sheds from me as soon as I walk through the doors in the morning. Only to be picked up on the way out.

That’s why they invented contracts. Drug use is in the contract but needs to be proven. A stupid thread on shift is NOT proof of anything.

There are certain degrees of criminal activity, possessing, taking extasy are far worse than speeding. One you go to jail and the other you don’t. I say the things that I say because I don’t need extasy to socializen feel good or any of the above. Seems like the people that take shit like that have some psychiatrically wrong with them

Speeding will get you killed faster than taking ex while using your brain. Speeding WILL land you in jail under the right circumstances.

Let me ask you this? Do you drink? Ever? Because unlike you I have done both and I can tell you that drinking is far worse for you than extacy.

Here is the effects and side effects of extacy:

As well as:

The researchers found that there were a number of common side effects and that many of the effects seemed to occur in different amounts based on gender. The top side effects reported were difficulty concentrating, jaw clenching, grinding of the teeth during sleep, lack of appetite, and dry mouth/thirst (all occurring in more than 50% of the 74 volunteers).
Liechti, et al. also measured some of the test subjects for blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature against a placebo control. The increases were noticeable, but not dangerous and not statistically significant (this means that the changes they measured were not certain to be an effect of the drug instead of random chance).

WHAT THE FUCK is bad about any of the above?!


Short term effects

Alcohol intoxication affects the brain, causing slurred speech, clumsiness, and delayed reflexes. Alcohol stimulates insulin production, which speeds up the glucose metabolism and can result in low blood sugar, causing irritability, and possibly death for diabetics; in normal subjects severe alcohol poisoning can also be lethal. A blood alcohol content of 0.45 represents the LD50, or the amount which would prove fatal in 50% of test subjects. This is about six times the level of intoxication (0.08%), but vomiting and/or unconsciousness are triggered much sooner in people with a low tolerance, among whom such high levels are rarely reached unless a large amount of alcohol is consumed very quickly.[11] However, chronic heavy drinkers’ high tolerance may allow some of them to remain conscious at levels above .4%, despite the serious health dangers.
[edit] Heart disease

Main article: Alcohol and cardiovascular disease
One study found that men who drank moderate amounts of alcohol three or more times a week were up to 35% less likely to have a heart attack than non-drinkers, and men who increased their alcohol consumption by one drink a day over the 12 years of the study had a 22% lower risk of heart attack.[12]
Daily intake of 1 or 2 units of alcohol (a half or full regular size glass of wine) is associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease in men over 40 and women who have been through the menopause.[13] However, getting drunk at least once a month puts women at a significantly increased risk of heart attack, negating any of alcohol’s potential protective effect.[14]
Increased longevity is almost entirely the result of lowered coronary heart disease.[15]
[edit] Dementia

Main article: Alcohol dementia
Long-term moderate or short-term excessive (binge) drinking has been linked to dementia; it is estimated that between 10% to 24% of dementia cases are caused by alcohol consumption, with women being at greater risk than men.[16][17] Alcoholism is associated with a type of alcohol-related dementia called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which is caused by a deficiency in thiamine (vitamin B1).[18]
The toxic effects of alcohol on the brain are caused by the neurotoxic effects of alcohol, interaction with nutritional deficiencies, and the neurotoxicity of withdrawal.[19] In rats, extended consumption of alcohol “did not produce anatomic deficits”, but the withdrawal was associated with neuronal loss.[19] Alcohol interferes with the neurotrasmitter glutamate, increasing (upregulating) the number of glutamute receptors in the brain. When alcohol intake is reduced, the glutamute receptors become overactive and neurotoxic.[18] Other effects which could contribute to withdrawal include the facilitation of GABA, upregulation of certain voltage sensitive calcium channels, and dopamine release.[19]
In people aged 55 and over, daily light to moderate drinking (one to three drinks) was associated with a 42% drop in the probability of developing dementia, and a 70% reduction in risk of vascular dementia.[20] The researchers suggest alcohol may stimulate the release of acetylcholine in the hippocampus area of the brain.[20]
[edit] Cancer

Main article: Alcohol and cancer
Alcohol consumption has been linked with seven different types of cancer: mouth cancer, pharyngeal cancer, oesophageal cancer, laryngeal cancer, breast cancer, bowel cancer and liver cancer.[21] The risk of developing cancer increases even with a moderate consumption of as little as 3 units of alcohol (one pint of lager or a large glass of wine) a day.[21] Heavy drinkers are more likely to develop liver cancer due to cirrhosis of the liver.[21]
A global study found that 3.6% of all cancer cases worldwide are caused by alcohol drinking, resulting in 3.5% of all global cancer deaths.[22] A U.K. study found that alcohol causes about 6% of cancer deaths in the U.K., killing over 9,000 people a year.[21]
Women who regularly consume low to moderate amounts of alcohol have an increased risk of cancers of the upper digestive tract, rectum, liver, and breast.[23][24] For both men and women, consuming two or more drinks daily increases the risk of pancreatic cancer by 22%.[25]
Red wine contains resveratrol, which has some anti-cancer effects in laboratory cells, however, based on studies done so far, there is no strong evidence that red wine could protect against cancer in humans.[26]
[edit] Alcoholism

Main article: Alcoholism
Proclivity to alcoholism is believed to be partially genetic; individuals with such propensity may have a different biochemical response to alcohol, though this is disputed. Alcohol addiction can also lead to malnutrition because it can alter digestion and metabolism of most nutrients. Severe thiamine deficiency is common due to deficiency of folate, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and selenium and can lead to Korsakoff’s syndrome. Muscle cramps, nausea, appetite loss, nerve disorders and depression are some common symptoms. It can also lead to osteoporosis and bone fractures due to vitamin D deficiency (vitamin D helps in calcium absorption).
[edit] Diabetes

Daily consumption of a small amount of pure ethanol by older women may slow or prevent the onset of diabetes by lowering the level of blood glucose.[27] However, the researchers caution that the study used pure ethanol, and that everyday alcoholic drinks contain additives, including sugar, which would negate the effect.[27]
People with diabetes should avoid sugary drinks, sweet wines, and liqueurs.[28]
[edit] Stroke

A study found that lifelong abstainers were 2.36 times more likely to suffer a stroke than those who drank a moderate amount regularly. Heavy drinkers were 2.88 times more likely to suffer a stroke than moderate drinkers.[29]
[edit] Longevity

Alcohol consumption by the elderly results in increased longevity, almost entirely as a result of lowered coronary heart disease.[15]
One study found that consumption of 2 units of alcohol (one regular glass of wine) daily by doctors aged 48+ years increased longevity by reducing the risk of death by ischaemic heart disease and respiratory disease.[30] Deaths where alcohol consumption is known to increase risk accounted for only 5% of the total deaths, but this figure was increased for those who drank more than 2 units of alcohol per day.[30]

Stop arguing about things you know nothing about.

I’ll take dry mouth, and difficulty in concentration ANY day over, heart disease, cancer, etc.

lets go beer for X pill… for every beer i drink, you take some X

It’s a CNS stimulant just like coke, ritalin, meth, etc.

And it WILL kill you under the right circumstances. Mainly due to mixing it with other drugs.

Better yet, lets go, safe vs unsafe.

I’ll take ONE x pill, be happy and euphoric all night while suffering from dry mouth and having concentration issues.

You take 12 beers, or enough to fuck you up without OD’ing, while suffering from vomitting, liver strain, headache, dillusion, memory loss, slurring of speech, etc etc.

And we will see whos body underwent more damage.

Ok but alcohol will kill you if you mix it with the wrong drugs. Fuck, Tylenol will kill you if you mix it with the wrong drugs.

People die all the time from x, but u never hear of it because these people are dying from heat exhaustion and shit like that. X overheats your body and if your in a club, where it is commonly used, you can easily die



Ecstacy is actually pretty safe. The unfortunate side is that you have to trust a drug dealer when getting ahold of it. I’ve never used it, just read quite a bit about it.