What's the highest you've even been?

Alcohol can only kill you quickly if you drink WAY to much and from some other source like driving. Long term can kill you no doubt. you have a much greater risk of dying from x from the first time compared to drinking the first time


People die from X because they take to much. They OD without knowing it. Why? Because like anything else, you grow a tolerance to it, however that does not mean you dont have high levels of it in your system.

If you are at the point where you need to take 3 pills to have fun, then its time to take a break. Yes, it overheats your body when you TAKE TO MUCH.

Dude, the SAME EXACT thing can happen with alcohol. Take to much and your liver fails. You die.

Take to much X, your organs fail. You die.

I am not arguing how bad it is for you if you OD, I am arguing how it is 1000X safer than alcohol when you take the right amount.

I’ll stick to my synthetic cocaine. :lol

This is what makes X unsafe if at all. Certain dealers will cut MDMA with speed, coke, heroin, etc.

If you do your research and know where your getting it you will be fine

I think heroin and meth are by farrr more dangerous due to how addictive the are.

Exactly. They are very bad drugs.

But what drug can you name that is legal and has the same side effects? Dependency, Addictiveness, Liver/Kidney/Heart Damage? Alcohol.

All I am arguing here is that taking x has the same danger level as taking weed. Actually X is the most commonly used drug behind weed. Are there dangers if you take to much? Of course but it is still safer and better for you than alcohol.

I still want to try x. None of this has deterred me. :lol

If people are smart about doing it MDMA is quite safe.
most forget to drink water and get dehydrated in partys/clubs
It opens up your mind in ways I can’t explain unless you experience it :lol

I agree about pretty much everything, I think the media/drug education has done a good job in conveying how “dangerous” ecstacy is. I’ve seen the effects of alcohol abuse… not something I’d care to ever see again. Unfortunately I feel like our generation is going to be full of alcoholics.

Ecstacy scares the shit out of me, and I refuse to try acid.

cavy’s stories made me lol

Woken up naked on the floor, way too many times in way too many places.

X w/ur boys = lame

X w/ur girl/s = oral frenzy

Explain how you do research on which drug dealer to go to?


I just ask cops. Whats that new member’s name again?

You don’t research the drug dealer when it comes to E. You research the E.

ALL E is branded. Each brand has its own stamp etc etc. You want the cheap shit thats cut with speed etc you buy brand y.

You want the good shit that 100% that you have to pay for you buy brand X.

Uh huh



The guy seemed like a straight shooter

like ive said before… just put me in your will