What's the highest you've even been?

Haha, exactly. You research shit all you want but I bet drug dealers will always one up you. You research and find out that the extasy with the nike swoosh is best, but so do the drug dealers, now all there shit has a nike swoosh. They charge the highest and your buying. Sounds like a wonderful idea. Ill take my chances at buying beer at price chopper

Yea I know what Budweiser puts in my delightful blue and silver can

Gonna post my bday story from this year, and then go back and read everyone elses…

Started drinking at 4PM. Stopped drinking at 4AM. A friend of mine came to the party@6PM and attempted to drink at the same rate as me, he went to the hospital around midnight with a BAC of .28, 3.5x the legal limit.

My friend that came to my party from AZ and I were talking about that night, and we estimated that we had rougly 5 servings of alcohol per hour, for 12 hours, putting us at roughly 60 servings.

My dicks bigger than yours

Probably is. My car is cooler than yours. So? Stay on topic, brah.


Who me? I know

My dicks straighter then yours

.3+ or bust.

At the hospital for .28? What a bitch I have woken up at 2pm after drinking all night and blown that

Damn white people… always counting how many drinks they had

I can beat that with a truthful story…

I’ve got a friend in Georgia that got pulled over for speeding. Cops smelled alcohol. He passed the field sobriety test, but blew a .3 Keep in mind, that’s normally the level that comatose sets in.

I can drink 2 beers before im drunk, beat that

thinking the same thing… .45 is coma range and .50 is death

pretty sure .3 is outrageous and much above that you can become comatose

Pretty sure one of my friends had between a .35 and .40 before in Myrtle beach, he didnt pussy out and go to the hospital though

you’re friends with some crazy people

something like that


Also depends on the person… ive been told about a lady who had a .40 bac and was just sitting calmly in her chair.

This, my old man responded to a domestic disturbance call once, the guy blew something ridiculous like a .6 and was coherently speaking, they couldent figure out why he was not dead as anything over .4-5 can cause breating issues