What's the highest you've even been?

Drunk- way too many stories to list and some of you have seen me drunk.
Ive done alot of stupid shit drunk.

One time me, a friend and a friend of his thats pretty much perma-baked/brain fried were smoking weed and we got the perma-baked guy to put a sheet on his head like a turban, another sheet on his body and carry a rifle with a strap and walk around the parking lot/driveway and yard at my friends shop. He’s a darker Italian so he really could pass for a muslim terrorist. It was fucking hilarious.

Thats the same guy that left the bar we were drinking out and said he was going to walk to the sun when he left. We didnt see him for a few days after that.

Another time I was really stoned and went to a Chinese buffet with a friend and I kept thinking the Chinese people were Santa’s elves. They kept circling us, or atleast I thought they were.

Then another time we went there and two Chinese women were arguing almost to the point of fighting and all the people that worked there came out of the back and it was kinda scary in there because it looked like something out of a movie.

Now there’s some stories we can all learn something from

the worst night i ever had was the night i got busted sellin … long story short i was tryin to outrun po-9 in my old mullet ride i guess i tried takin a 30 mph corner at well over 120 well the car didnt turn i guess and i hit a tree ,i got out of the car i guess yellin i just hit a teradactil " YES THE DINOSAUR " to the cops well that staement seeled my fate , shortly after while awaiting in the cop car for the amberlamps i shit myself as i was noddin in and out of consiousness i wake up 3 days later finding all of this out after the fact as i had no recolection of what happened that i had 3 busted ribs ,a 6 in gash in my mellon from the t-top shatterin ,broken collar bone and my heartrate was at 19 bpm i od,d it took a adrenal shot amongst other meds to keep me goin and they mediaclly knocked me out for 4 days to help with the transition to detox .after that i did a long time in prison …



welllll he asked lolol

Well… at least you already hit bottom

ya know what , that waasnt even my bottom .thats the worst part . but without those things happenin i learned a lot of things

well you seem like an alright guy now… unless you’re just fooling everyone

nah man ,mt worst was yrs later and it didnt end till i found out i was havin my oldest son .thats what brought me around

There’s something I never thought I’d read in this thread.

so do i win lololol

Gotta give it to you for honesty there John.

a close family member blew a .37 and was fully functional and coherent.

you can compound your bac with days of drinking.

Not my story, but an older retired military vet (who I had no choice but to believe, in fear of his l33t killing skillz)…

Was telling us about a time while on leave in Germany from the military, him and a few friends got shit faced drunk… The next morning he woke up on a park bench by getting sucked off by a dude who had stolen his wallet. He then of course ended the story with some graphic way he chased the dude down and beat his ass.

im actually quite frightened thinking back on this but it seems most of my fucked up drunk nights were hanging with slowmarro.

night #1… john gets the GENIUS idea of going to whitehall to go to finnius t flubberbusters (if you know of it, im sorry) we get there, find it full of more cattle than you’d find on a west texas ranch. we down a few drinks fast and make a hasty exit to the nearest gas station. a 30 rack was purchased and we proceed to set a land speed record in his 1991 grand prix whilst chugging beers and whipping the emptys out the sunroof while at speeds in excess of 120mph.

night #2
was invited to a party in albany with silent and my buddy scott. get there and drank myself retarded (as if that wasnt already the case). someone decided it be a good idea to go to dennys so we piled in various cars. I got put in the back of silent’s Si (prior to the grand am bodykit) we get to the dennys on central (the one that used to be by APG) anyways i STUMBLE into the joint, order mozzarella sticks (mind you without my wallet which i left at home that night) the mozz sticks arrive just in time to become a perfect pillow for me to pass out in… i get woken up 2 hrs later and carried out of the place by silent and another kid there past 2 albany cops at the “bar”. no sooner do i hit the cold air in the parking not when i toss chow right there… all over the hood and windshield of the cop car…silent stuffs me into his passenger seat and we head back to the “party” where apparently my buddy scott still is as he didnt want to go to dennys or so we thought. i throw up out of silents car at 40mph while driving down wolf at least 2-3x … we get back to the apt and get hit with the unmistakeable scent of SHIT as soon as we open the door… apparently scott got sick… puked in the toilet and had to shit at the same time… so in his drunken stupor puked and tried to spin around to shit without making a mess everywhere, tripped on his pants fell into the bathtub and puked/shit all over himself. apparently knowing he soiled himself he tried wiping it up with his boxers which he then threw off the apartment balcony into the neighbors tree in their backyard, while only managing to smear shit all over the tub/toilet/floor. we passed out and he gave the apt owner $20 the next morning to clean everything up as he refused to actually do the work to clean it himself.

there are several others…

not even going to come close to reading that. this is what that looks like to me:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nunc est, mattis ut interdum nec, posuere ac purus. Nunc vel felis ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin sit amet nisi dictum diam cursus viverra vitae quis sapien. Suspendisse magna augue, gravida a tempor quis, auctor sit amet lacus. Pellentesque tempus placerat magna ac sodales. Mauris id odio vitae tortor gravida tincidunt ut et nisi. Aenean malesuada convallis orci, ac ultricies arcu cursus sed. Nunc adipiscing, nisi id rutrum aliquet, arcu metus ullamcorper quam, eu lobortis nisl dui ac sapien. Phasellus non purus quis felis sodales auctor. Cras pulvinar sem pharetra mauris dictum nec molestie erat dignissim. Morbi auctor, justo sit amet pulvinar pretium, augue nisi egestas tortor, in vehicula eros nisi eu tellus. Duis et ultricies mi. Curabitur eget eros metus. Mauris ante risus, tempor vitae convallis in, ornare ac leo.

Donec lobortis, risus a molestie hendrerit, velit erat auctor purus, sit amet sagittis erat purus rutrum enim. Curabitur non orci massa. Nulla dolor nibh, vulputate id dapibus id, vehicula non metus. Ut commodo lacus vitae justo dapibus rhoncus pharetra nisl fringilla. Integer scelerisque viverra velit, in tincidunt orci pulvinar et. Maecenas consectetur scelerisque aliquet. Vivamus quis dolor magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc enim lorem, tempus in scelerisque non, dapibus non nibh. Vestibulum aliquam gravida ultrices. Etiam malesuada ullamcorper ipsum vel commodo. Nulla varius odio ut libero venenatis ornare. Quisque id neque et nibh lacinia condimentum. Integer rutrum metus sed risus mattis sit amet condimentum diam sodales. Sed condimentum commodo massa sed bibendum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed ac neque vitae nibh porta convallis. In tempor gravida rutrum. Nunc lacinia tristique sollicitudin.

Phasellus vitae est et purus venenatis adipiscing ac eu nulla. Vestibulum fermentum urna in nisi ornare lobortis. Sed sem enim, volutpat vel imperdiet at, luctus sit amet massa. Fusce orci augue, fermentum sed convallis eu, pellentesque id diam. Proin hendrerit molestie tellus eu placerat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus ut urna dui, eu tincidunt tellus. Nunc quis libero ipsum, et varius magna. Praesent pretium arcu suscipit elit convallis a molestie diam lobortis. Nulla facilisi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam in nibh tortor, a luctus metus. In mattis varius felis, sit amet dictum nibh accumsan laoreet. Donec convallis nisi nec nunc tincidunt varius ac lobortis nibh. Maecenas et enim neque, id dignissim enim. Nulla suscipit magna vitae massa dignissim convallis.


ya, latin filler text lol. travis’ sentence structure and 50 line paragraphs are just fantastic.

I took 10mg of Focalin XR, 30mg of Lexapro, two vitamin world multi’s, and a daily fish oil supplement this morning. At 3pm, I took another 5mg of Focalin XR.

I’m not really high, but my god am I ever focused. I’ve ripped through math HW, my Federal Stafford loan bullshit, sorted through and responded to almost 200 siena emails (I get lazy with those), and also began working on a paper which I am now 2 pages through already. :rofl