what kind of stupid stuf have you done ?

ive fallen asleep on a cactus (drunk)

wound up having a finger cut down to the bone on teh top & bottom ( i was like 10 at the time)

moved a customer car at schmitts, car was still in high idle, and i didnt realize it was still in reverse till i was getting out and it started backing over me and into the car behind it (column shift linkage was binding)

and many other things …i think the worst of which left me with a 5" gash on my face, 2 brused inner thighs, and a broken brick … DONT ASK!

hopefully u guys arent afraid to share your lil moments … lol

there was an incedent last summer where i was at my friend’s house and somehow i ended up in a lawnmower trailer that he had hooked to his ATV. we did this so people could ride around in it. we’ve done it many time and it was always good. so we needed to go back into the woods to get something so i went in the trailer. well, he hit a bump or something kinda wierd and all i remember was the trailer sarting to tip and i rmember still being in the trailer and the AVT going the opposite direction. in one fluid motion i half jumped half rolled out of the trailer fromt the side, on the gound, and i was about ready to let out a sigh of relief when the tailer came flying out of the eair and hit me right on the head. it put me out for mayb 20 seocnds and i prob should have gone to the hospital cuz i prob got a mild oncussion, but it was all good…just had one hell of a headache for a the rest of the day and a nice huge bump on my heard for a bit.


In 8th grade playing football in the schools courtyard I was going long for a TD pass and dove head first into the brick wall knocking me out instantly.

When I was 16 and some of my friends were 21 and I went to a party with them and thought I could drink with the “big boys” and downed 15 red dog talls in 2 hours and passed out and vomited profusely for what seemed like hours.

Drove a car backwards and pancaked it against my parents house (icey twisty long driveway in a hurry)

Drove that same car over car ramps in the garage :lol:

Jumped that same car over railroad tracks and broke a motor mount I love leases :slight_smile:

Quit college

Drunken swan dove onto the hood of my brand new GTP the first day I had it

I dunno…the longer i sit here the more i think of :slight_smile: So I am gonna stop now

the biggest dumb thing of all

when I was a ramp agent working at the airport I opened the rear emergency exit on a McDonnell Douglas DC-9 thinking it was the Boeing 727 rear stairways :bloated:

jumped my mustang over railroad tracks in lancaster @ 60 mph, 15miles later the balljoint had a terminal failure, wonder if it was related ? lol

awd burnout in a audi TT on the brand new shop floor, because the boss was bitching about paint droplets on the floor by the booth… no, wait, that was to funny …

boss didnt show up for work monday, found out he was in the hospital on tuesday, on wednesday that said they were doing a full load of tests on him … and on thursday i started the day off my sluring out the words “its not a tumah” … kindergarden cop style … 10 seconds later we found it WAS a tumah … (im going to hell, i swear)

i burnt off my eyebrows while turning some spare model rocket engines to dust … so that i could light them on fire …

30 car rally cross with demo cars while at wyotech … the feild behind the school was to perfect for it, and the instructors were in a meeting … after the rally, i realized that i never got my work inspected, and now it was all bashed to shit … took me 2 days to fix it again …

^^ :rofl:

I do alot of stupid shit everyday.

when something in particular comes to me…i’ll let it out. haha

I fell asleep leaning on some speakers at a concert…WHILE the band was playing. I woke up for the encore. The singer saw me and he said, “Look at this hardcore mother fucker! Falling asleep to some heavy shit here!” and he gave me the horns. \m/


i live with my ex, nuff said

Rolled my car on the 400…

lets see…

~Spiral fracture of the right tibia from the ancle to the knee
~Gouged a chunk out of my right eye
~rolled my truck into a ditch and landed upside down, rushed to ECMC in a meat wagon. Then ignored Dr. orders and proceeded to get hella drunk the fallowing day and ended up in the er again 2 days later for really bad panic attacks.
~went off the raod and hit a pole head on at 45, rushed to Lockport Memorial in a meat wagon
~fell down the stairs at school and didint wanna look like a pussy so i walked across the school to the nurses office on a badly sprained ancle (that sucked).
~fell snowboarding and had a shard of ice impale threw my chin and come up just infront of my tongue, then packed it with snow and kept going.
~Gave myself stiches in my left hand…with regular sewing thread, then re-opened the wound taking them out.

there are alot more but due to alot of head injuries i cant think of them at the moment.

I didn’t hook up with a couple girls cause i was trying to be a nice guy.

i took one for the team cus howie was being a nice guy

i kid i kid…

prob moving by myslef to jousey… professionally the right thing to do, but personally it was a mistake… we will see how it pans out long trem.

been there done that…I’ve always been “the nice guy”…that most girls see as the little brother type cuz im too nice. DOH!!!

stuck out a relationship for too long even when i hated the person and passed up some really nice guys in the meantime.

gave a cop a fake id when i got pulled over… ouch…

spent tooooo much money on people… and never enough on myself. (that all has changed now)

fell for stupid lines that guy’s pull out of their asses just to get some. i’m smarter then you might realize lol.

drove drunk plenty of times.

when i was younger i’d try to piss off my brother so much that one day he finally got fed up and put my head through the back door. i never tried to irritate him again.

that’s all i can think of right now.