What's the highest you've even been?

I think the worst I’ve ever been (drunk) was one night at a friends apartment…he had Bacardi 151, which I have never tried before.
After about 10 beers and 8 shots of this intoxicating new hard liqueur, I couldn’t support my own weight for more than 3 seconds. Thankfully I got a ride home from a friend, who thought that a ride to the ER would be soon to follow. I woke up, threw up in my sheets, and immediately fell asleep :lol The hangover lasted until 6pm the next night.

Oh the joys of 151. I remember last year’s Siena fest a few people were chugging out of the bottles I brought… only to pass out/puke minutes later. :rofl

151+ rockstar energy drink is an amazing concoction, btw. That’s all I will be ingesting from tomorrow evening until Sunday.:ohnoes

I’ll have to try it at a party I’m goin to tonight! :thumb…I haven’t touched 151 since that night though :rofl

I would post up what I consumed to send me to the hospital but nobody would believe me :lol

151 and ginger ale ,the best drink in the world

Share!!! There’s a lot I wouldn’t believe would happen before I got to college :lol

I’ll try that tn too!

Yah… cuz you lied

151 got me home one night from a trail party

20+ witnesses… lol

Anyways, this is within a 3-5 hr period:

1L Bacardi rum and cokes, all to myself, poured 1 drink for someone else
4-6 cans of whatever beer (pong)
~5 shots of some shitty “Potter” vodka my friend brought.

ended up walking across campus on a below freezing November night with just pants and a t-shirt on, one shoe, and i was holding a rum and coke in my hand as I walked into my dorm where the security guard called EMS on me :lol


Holy shit dude! You get written up? Or w/e they do at Fordham?

-$400 in hospital/transport bills
-Written up for alcohol in a dorm ($50 fine and some stupid 1 hr online course for first “offense”)
-2 “AA” meetings for the transport

ok so 33.3 shots of bacardi, 4 cans of beer, and 5 shots of vodka.

Il give you the benefit of the doubt that it was over 5 hours… THATS 8 DRINKS AN HOUR. 1 shot=1 beer=1 glass of wine… generally.

Like I said, you wouldn’t believe me :lol. 20+ witnesses so I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t remember any of it, only thing I know for 100% is that I started with a full L of Bacardi and that was all gone. Also, I threw up twice during the night so I’m sure some of it wasn’t processed.

how much do you weigh

205-210. also look at the edit to ^that^ post

Congrats… you had a BAC of 0.72


And for the third time, I said you wouldn’t believe me.

Liquor goes into your system stupid fast

I really don’t know what to tell you.

-I don’t remember any of it
-What I posted is what 5-10 different people told me (at different times, not all at once) that I drank
-I threw up twice so <100% of it was in my bloodstream