What's the highest you've even been?

Yah and your friends are probably a bunch of fuckin ratards

^ And you’re Buzz Killington


Because I’m disputing outrageous drinking tales?

Considering he went to the hospital, he probably drank what he said. My post stating that I drank on average 5 servings an hour for almost 12 hours is accurate. Hell, this past Saturday I told myself two things…

1)That I was gonna take it ‘easy’

2)I was going to count servings (I wrote them down in my Iphone)

Ended up having 22 servings between 8PM-330AM, so roughly 3 servings per hour…and I was WAY WAY WAY more drunk on my bday, as several people on here can attest to. I didn’t go to the hospital, puke or any of that kinda shit either lol.

but 42 servings between 3-5 hours is just outrageous

Oh, I agree, that’s why he went to the hospital. As you obviously know, alcohol takes awhile to catch up to you…getting it down is not the problem, the problem is holding it down!

either way… fuckin retarded giraffe

That we can totally agree on.


yes its me

yes its a bad idea to leave this here

but fuck it

it was months/years/decades ago

very very very high, never wanna do that again, never lol


I love the look on your face when it hits you.

And 1:13 in the video…


LMAO im dying hahahahah

Singh- that’s fucking hilarious

91240- that pic is also fucking hilarious

murrdog/travis- like trav said (obviously) alcohol takes a while to hit you and between throwing up twice and being on an IV within 20-30 min after i stopped drinking, not 100% of it was actually in my bloodstream

[PJB] Now, down here, every time a liter sized bottle of liquor is talked about it is referred to as “hospital-sized” or “kramer-sized” :lmao [/PJB]

still surprised johnny drama hasnt commented on mine yet…lol

yea yea yea you guys can laugh all you want, that was a serious fucking experience for me lol

i mean you don’t understand the hallucination i had, pretty much changed my life and the way i think about things

i was in a place that really sucked, in another dimension and i just wanted to get out or die, but i couldnt do either, it was horrible

WTF is salvia?

A legal drug that last for a short amount of time and is said to give you a pretty crazy trip. To use it, you have to use a butane lighter.

idk why its legal, its really fuckin bad, i mean i would of rather smoked crack dude

I think it has some other kind of use… maybe ahah. A friend of mine was on it at school and was running around ducking under all the lasers that were shooting at him.