whats the most reliable baller ass car for 25k

Have just realized that as soon as OP puts a car in his .sig he sells it.

no offense taken my man


for someone that knows so much about my life, I wasnt expecting much more then a “Lol”

Sack riding ITT.

Im actually doing a background check, hiring a private eye and looking into your tax history. Seeing as your a now partial owner of a company you claim, i wouldnt want anything to be out of order.

Are these two dudes really mad?

It’s mildly entertaining.

Sounds like we should have a total assets competition or something… lol

Smokin vs. death

Who cares?

Nick, why do you instigate so much? From an outside perspective, we only see you on Smokinssssss nuts. Maybe there’s more to it, but to me I see jealousy. If you can’t say that you’re 100% in a better situation than he is, you shouldn’t comment on his situation.

There is not one situation that is “one size fits all”, so to comment on being in a “better” situation is a joke as well. Back in my day, if you wanted to date someone, you bought them a soda and asked them to the movies. Try it.

I wasnt being a dick at all. He suggested a GTO to Dave which, isnt to luxurious last time i checked so i simply said “He said luxury”. Smackins then came back all upset and made a go at me about my car so i busted his balls. I said lol just to blow off his essay of tears and he just keeps coming back to reply. I find it hillarious that he gets so fired up so fast over nothing.

So, if i ask smokins to the movies youre saying i have a chance?

Sorry, Chris. There is nothing is Drews life that i am even close to jealous over.

Im not into trucks.
Im not into fishing.
Im not interested in owning a house here.
Im not interested in being married or the type of girl hes married to

No jealousy here.

trucks > cars

Possibly. Start things off with a tasty beverage first and go from there, maybe throw in a slice of pizza for sensory overload and BAM it’s date time!

I like your style.

So then why knock him for what he’s done or has? If he’s enjoying his life, that’s all the should matter and no one should try to criticize him for it.

It seems like a lot of people here try to butt in on other peoples’ lives for no reason just to instigate. Drew and I don’t usually get along, but I know when to call a spade a spade.

If you dont remember, my parents have owned a very successful landscaping business for 25 years. I have been their 2nd hand for the last 14 years. That is all you need to know.

bullshit man. I rarely post on this forum now and when I do, its because I was roaming threads and I am replying to some ignorant, (I think I am funny making fun of SSmokinn) post. Every thread that I have commented on, within the last few months have been replies to your bullshit.

Im not sure what your deal is, but its pretty obvious you cant stay off my nuts, about anything.

and please tell me what the “type of girl” I am married to is. I bet you are also clueless as to what type of girl she is…so, please tell me what I married incase I forget…

and because your not into trucks, fishing, owning a house or being married to the “type of girl” I married, this gives you a constant reason to bust my balls about all of that shit? because you do it way to much.