What's wrong with autox???

I don’t remember to be honest, I went once and was completely bored - I have two more free runs on my membership card and have not been back. I thought the lap times were something like 25 seconds and you get 6 laps? 8 laps? I don’t remember.

All i’m saying is that theres no way either of you can honestly say you get the same level of driving enjoyment from AJ’s as you would at autocross.

edit: This arguement is going to get stupid fast - so I’ll drop out of that and get back on track. Another idea to try and keep the attendance higher, any chance you could do a slightly discounted full year fee? I know there is the scca membership that drops the rate, but I am saying pay for all of the actual events to lock people in?

Cost to Seat Time. It’s is a biggie and has been beaten to death like a baby seal.

Distance is also as issue, with a majority of the events being a good distance away. Driving an hour just to run for 5 to 8 minutes just isn’t something I want to do.

Non-member entry cost, goes back to the cost to seat time. Yes it’s fun, but it’s a good deal more for the exact same thing from years ago. Granted that’s also plays into the economy. However other options have been made more appealing at this point.

That said I’ll probably still be going to most local events still.

That’s the one that kills it for me. You have to REALLY love autocrossing to say spending 7 hours there, much of it working, for less than 5 minutes of seat time is worth it. Then after spending exponentially more time working than driving you still pay $30.

Not like motorsports are about anything but seat time right? It’s got nothing to do with hanging out at the track, watching other cars, shooting the shit with other car guys, drinking coffee afterwards…

Anyhow, I know one way to increase attendance! Well, by one at least. Someone let me codrive! :skunk:

pretty sure Jeremy is still renting his car out :tup:

ORLY? I see that the next ECCN event is at the end of August, but I’ll have to get in touch with him for that. Not sure if he goes, but the distance will keep me from going to Seneca.

Is this a ban threat? lmao.

You want to know why people are not attending auto-x… but you don’t think convenience plays into it at all?? Especially considering the cost of it now? I’m talking cost measured in fuel expenses, equipment expenses, and time… time, especially now that the weather has broken, is an expensive commodity.

Thanks for justifying the argument I made in regards to the disproportioned perceived expense of running 1 track day compared to multiple AX’s. Of course AJ’s is going to be easy, no one questions that at all. But it comes down to the experience.

If I can go to AJ’s (still only been once) and get 2x the seat time, for $10 less, while beating on a rental, and not having to spend an entire fucking day there… I’ll gladly deal with a few fat kids & NYSpeeders so long as I can get in a few good laps.

And if you can get your racing nut off by beating on a go kart, more power to you… but not everyone is that easily entertained or amused.

You act as if no one ever slows down an auto-x event.
Re-runs. Pretty sure they don’t accommodate you at AJ’s.

You also act as if every run you make (all what, 3 of them?) is perfect.
There were 7 runs on Sunday, all over a minute, at speeds higher than 20 mph, in our own vehicles, not something powered by a weed-whacker engine.

^lol, when have I ever threatened to ban anyone? I’m pointing out how you aren’t helping your namesake with hi cause.

If I wanted to hang out in a parking lot and shoot the shit, I’d go to mighty taco.


5 minutes seat time
420 minute event time

5/420= 0.012…

:bigclap: :tup:

My Honest opinion on why I never attend these events.

I personally think autox sucks ass. You asked for an honest opinion, well there it is.

Id rather drag race.

Don’t try to convince me. I don’t care. I would be sad to see it go, but thats about it. I have different desires, obviously.

Again, I’m offering feedback, I’m not going to spend all day arguing with you about things other then helping 007…

If you don’t like go carting or open tracking, thats wonderful, go suck off josh, cause thats about as much good as you’re offering here. :slight_smile:


On Jon’s to-do list

^^ anyone see that - is that a possibility jim/dave ?

also, back on the site, we really should try and get more photo/video coverage of the events and get it more upfront on the page - or try and get some coverage in the papers, its free advertising, I have a contact at the Amherst Bee (not exactly the best paper, but word of mouth is word of mouth).

put a training wheel on it? :slight_smile:

i know, like i said id rather drag, just a personal dislike is all, never really got into autox.

Just wanted to add too that autox isn’t going to “go out of business,” its just on a down cycle locally and that happens.
National Level attendance, especially the Pros, is higher than ever, and I see no real major complaints on any of the national forums that regions are really hurting to the point where they may lose the program for any other reason than that they lose their site.
The Washington DC region has an awesome site. And they have a entry cap of 250. Their events are usually sold out in under a half hour from online pre-reg.

Obviously that’s not us, but just wanted to throw that out there as trends are diferent across the country.

Sorry, i was trying to bring it back to point. If it makes you feel any better, i took it to PMs just after I’d made my last post here :slight_smile:

Moderators don’t lead by example or anything… we’re just the janitors.

Those are things that can be looked into.

yea, i deleted my comments… I know you saw it and thats all that really mattered, normally I’m all about healthy arguments to pass the work day by but I actually care about this thread :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m actually glad we’re not at capacity like that - I have a feeling that would suck a lot unless they have massive sites. Also, as long as the WNY region is not hurting to the point that its not covering its costs I could care less if more people show up (all though run heats/working non stop makes it a bit tiring). Less people means more runs for me and getting home earlier, and thats all I really care about.

The point already presented about the website is a valid one.

Since the site is undoubtedly the focal point of noob research and interest, it should have some supplemental design to help “excite” those who are just there for the first time.

Pictures of vehicles racing, pictures of winners holding their “trophies,” smiles and laughs… everything to give the site a more personal feel. Novices will attend if they feel like they can be apart of something.