whats you fav. fish fry place?

I’m surprised more people haven’t said Hoaks on the lake, on route 5. Theirs is really good, but the place is mobbed if you go on Friday night. Nice to sit outside in the summer though.

went to la marina on hertel last night - had grilled yellow fin tuna…was awesome - but saw someone with the fishfry and it looked really good too

the red brick inn is the old hidden hollow… i worked there like 6 years ago and it sure was good fish fry for a dumpy little place

Danny’s South

Pearl Street Brewery… serve them 7 days a week too.

Curry’s on Kenmore Av, East of Colvin, across from St Joes


Danny’s South



Metzgers pub in WS ,right around the corner from the southgate plaza. Also Boston hotel down off of genesee st other side of transit.