Whats your brand of toilet paper?

40 grit on a grinder usually…

i work for the state, and they must be cutting budget cause the toilet paper they use rips your asshole right the fuck apart… shitting is no longer enjoyable at work:(

when i worked at Bed Bath and Beyond during college, i gave myself a safety wipe with a hand towel that was out on the shelves, then i folded it and put it back. i hated that place.

wahh thats all i hear from you people. pampered little girls.

yall need to spend a day or 2 on an aircraft carrier. that sand paper TP is a slice of heaven considering most of the time TP doesnt exist because it got wet, or someone took it. you take what you can get sometimes. just be thankful you arent using the 3 sea shells.

o u mean like the movie demolition man?

Mexican cleaner maids hand. I tell her I’m calling the INS if she doesnt fucking moisturize more

Charmin Ultra Strong. Still very soft and good,and doesn’t break when you’re really on cleaning duty.

Get it… Duty…

I like to use the Mothers powerball, I clamped my drill to the toilet seat, works wonders. You might want to line the nearby walls with plastic

lolerbating at my desk.

Wow, laughing pretty hard over here.

Reminds me of the topic you brought up about wiping and how Jerry admitted he was a front wiper.

i dont remember this. haha

front wiper? so he wips his wee wee with TP? what a fag

Oh man, you went on a rant about this. How can you not remember?!

You were asking if you stood up or sit down when you wiped and if you were a front to back or back to front wiper.

I’m pretty sure this was at Scott’s house if I remember correctly.

hahaha epic!

I find that a warm, damp washcloth works the best.

this is saved for the messy pweps. and u have to use soap. makes u feel sooooo clean

Baby wipes FTW, esp when my hemorrhoids are flared up.


oh ya since i cme back from india i dont use anything

allah said it was dirty to put paper in your ass

so i splash some holly water up in there, i have this whore i pay 650 dollars a week to give me oral sex i usually have her take care of the rest