Theres a thump-thump-thump noise coming from underneath the car, I’m not too sure exactly where but it sounds like it’s directly underneath the driver’s side near the centre. My dad was in the back and he said it was coming from the rear of the car. It’s doesn’t happen at very low speeds but it starts at 15-20k. The thumps get faster with acceleration. My dad said that one of the wheel bearings is gone. Any other ideas?
Have you been outside the car to hear it?
Have you looked underneath?
Do you have uneven tire wear?
Something is worn out, broken, loose, or all of the above…
Wheel bearings don’t thump… atleast none that I have heard.
They usually humm.
Actually, after hearing it again, it’s more of a knocking sound. I have very minimal uneven tread wear on the inside of the front drivers side tire, but that is because my camber is slightly off. Can that have anything to do with it? I haven’t been able to get the car lifted up since I can’t get in my driveway due to construction. And i had my dad outside while i drove it, to pinpoint where its coming from. That lead to no conclusions, since it doesnt do it at speeds less than 15-20. Anyways thanks for the suggestions.
Camber doesn’t affect tread nearly as much as toe.
Check your inner / outer tie rod ends.
check the center support for the driftshaft.
check the rubber bushing at the front of the driftshaft nearest the tranny.
check your tranny mount.
check you motor mounts
if it is none of those tthen i dont know.
however i get its one of those…
or… slight possiblity that your diff is being gehy and shifted in the pumpkin… very rare tho.
I’ll beg to differ.
My last set of tires I had 0 toe but slightly over 3 degrees of negative camber. Wore through them like they were made of butter.
(not that toe doesn’t rip up tires, but don’t dismiss camber)
I don’t know man, I have to agree with Sven on that one.
I have Neg 2 deg on the front and rear and my tires are like new.
Cornering hard and drifting causes extream ware on the inside yes
because of the camber but daily driving you shouldnt have a problem
3 degrees is pretty extreme. It’s hard to get our cars to -3, going from stock to the lowest springs won’t. And camber really isn’t adjustable on our cars anyway.
The combination of tire wear and clunking leads me to suspect tie rods.
Unless he has an alignment rack (or has been to one) that can point out the problem is really camber I don’t think he’d be able to tell …
check your strut bearing