Wheel graphics-will this take off in the US?

I came across this http://www.csg-create.com/product/whell_gfraphic.html
you guys think were going to start seeing this during shows or on the streets here? maybe cali?

sure why not. Seems simple enough… I’d do it right now

I need some floral print for my rimz.

its already happening… this is from like 2006… woodgrain vinyl


Aww man snake skin wheels to match my sick snake skin cowboy boots

Sick BRO

wtf is that thing by the passenger window?

that brown tube thing? im trying to figure that out too

looks like old school icebox style A/C.

oh and anything that is sold in asian symbols will eventually take off here in the US.

I’ve seen it on a bunch of these old style VWs. I have no idea what it is, but I do know that I hate it

its a what, Wayne?

Boo! Booo!!!

I’m pretty sure it’s how they used to do Air Conditioning back in the 40’s and 50’s. Its a big fucking ice box. You fill that shit with ice and then it blows cold air into the car off the ice. I see them all the time on Bombs.

Wait, and what are the orange things in a pile in front of the car?

ohhhhhhhh, i get it. hah. interesting.

reflective things between the lanes?

Road turtles… that car was a plow. daily driven that low on coilovers, hitting all types of road objects


Damn. :lol

yea, i remember at waterfest there was a dub with a couple of those sitting on the ground infront of it all busted up. the car sat like a matchbox’s height off the pavement.

dubbers! right? heh