wheel help

Thank you for the news flash

I clean my wheels everyday with wheel cleaner after I have driven the car and at night its in a heated garage and I only drive it when the roads are dry.

How does powercoating work? Meaning, do they put clear over the top of it again? Would it last longer than regular paint with clear coat?

I’m looking to get four calipers and maybe my wheels redone…but I’m willing to pay if this is the route to go.

My wheels are experiencing a similar issue…the clearcoat is peeling (but much more than his).

i’d do one of two things

  1. leave it be till they start looking like total shit and see step 2
    2)refinish wheels(powdercoat or paint, whatever you prefer)

if its a rock chip in the clear of the polished lip put a tiny dab of clear nailpolish on it to seal it otherwise water gets under there and works on the clear.

My FAILMAX wheels did it and totally ruined one wheel. Thats one of the reasons they are now solid white

ok thanks. I will do that.

how big is that chip in urs? can u take a macro of it? you know how i love pikchas

you are such a bitch I was gonna paitn my wheels white.

So much for that idea.


dude, no. urs look great dark. :thumbup

theyll look even better pushed out flush with the fenders this season :slight_smile:



White is the new JAM

i want to do mine bronze

bronze is so 2002

Been there, done that.

you’ve been saying this for 2+ years… sign up for the moon performance powder coat group buy and be done with it

moon does powdercoating? didnt know that. i hear that powdertech is the place to go.

I’m not going to get into it, but a friend of mine just went through a fucking nightmare at Powdertech… I would never bring my shit there after the horror story I heard.

can i get some more details on this powdercoating thing? i need a short turnaround time frame on this bizz.