When did the Galleria get a Hermit Crab kiosk?

I can die a happy person. I played with one of them. We got to know eachother. I sat there and waited for one to “warm up” to me and I knew it was the one of my dreams. I gave it an M & M that was in my pocket. His name was Wittig. We’re like BF4L now.


i think this just happened. i just noticed it two weeks ago.

LOl i saw it there like a month and a half ago, i dropped one then stepped it on, it made a cool sound.

I want all the time back I spend on reading your dumb ass posts in hope that maybe just ONCE there will be something of value in it.

I lay awake at nite thinking…is it possible that someone is that retarded? Or is it me who is the retard for reading it? Argh…this is my hell on earth.

You are the retard. Clearly I’ve been gifted with an imagination.

Get a journal…write it there…and stop sniffing the detail chemicals…its obviously very bad for you.

I <3 goobers threads

Oh, no…chemicals can’t even make you this terrible…

maybe one day I’ll be able to turn this into something useful, rather than RUINING your life!

Thanks…thats all I ask is for some compassion.

i don’t want pity, i just want what is miiiiiiiiiiiiiiine

a hermit crab??..?.

I would WAY rather have a baby armadillo or hedgehog



do you mean…cirrusly?

Do you reall yhave a hedgehog? I could imagine that cuddling with them would be a very prickly experience. When I move to Rochester my mom isn’t letting me take my cat, so I need to improvise :frowning:

Get a pig!!!111!!ONE!!!ELEVEN!!!11!1!1!

If you get tired of his shit…


If I feed it nutmeg will I have psychadelic bacon?


where do I buy a pig?

can i sell them in the middle of the mall?

I found some!!!


KB toys sells pig at the mall
The one out front of the store that waddles and oinks.
I set him free in the food court once

Did they not like that?


found on dead road guy. you see the subject title. don’t read it.
