When following up on an Application, What do you say?

So I put in an application at a local buisiness last week. I havent heard anything from them yet so I want to follow up and see if they have any questions or anything. What should I say or do? What have you done when you followed up on an application? I dont want to seem like a PITA.

It’s tough. You’ve got to balance between being the squeaky wheel and being annoying. Call them, ask for HR or whoever, and just say you were calling to make sure they didn’t need anything further from you at this time. That’s what I’d do anyways…

“hello my name is ____, i put in my application on ____ im just wondering if any one has looked it over yet…thank you. goodbye”

Should I call or go in?

state your name, just say you are still interested and you wanted to check on the status of your application to see about a potential job/career oppurtunity.

calling is fine, going in- ask to speak to the person in charge of hiring.

this is the route I always took and got me a job everytime :slight_smile:

That depends, are you ugly? j/k

If you get the receptionist tell her you need to discuss some specifics of your resume/application with the person reviewing it.

If you get through to the person doing the hiring ask them if they had the chance to read your resume/application yet because you have experience and qualities that would be beneficial to the position and company.
Make sure you thank everyone you talk to as well.(including the operator/receptionist.)

If you have had even just one previous job you should build a quality resume because that makes you appear much more motivated/serious/professional than others that just fill out applications.

ive heard that email always works

thank them for taking their time to review your application or resume and tell them that you are looking forward to hearing back from them

sound interested but not desperate

make sure that your application is 100% accurate if they find out anything is wrong they can shit can it other than that call.

Uh -

Write a thank you note.

And spray your favorite cologne all over it.

Seriously, you write a thank you note.

Just trust me on this.

^^ hes right, say thank you and say that ur looking forward to hearing back from them. thats like saying ur interested, but you are not demanding answers

[QUOTE=AWDrifter]…That depends, are you ugly?..

QUOTE]does this mean you think im cute :gay: … :lol:

anyways, i always did the whole “hi, i put an app. on __, blah blah blah” thing, i actually even had a couple places say “whats your name again ,hang on i need to find your app so i can mark down you called, it always looks good”

If you write a thank you note, what are you thanking them for?

Like, “thanks for letting me put in my application”

i guess it depends if this job is a job job or a mcdonalds job.

But what is he thanking them for? All he’s done is submit an application. Thank you notes are for after the interview. “Thank you for letting me submit my resume even though I have no idea if anyone has even read it yet?” Nope.

I think this is good:

Dear you,

I don’t call 'em a cowboy until I see 'em ride
Cause those fancy boots and stetson hat don’t tell me what’s inside


Oh, I was thinking he already went to an interview

my bad

thanks for the automatic email reply to the cover letter I just spent an hour writing