When Is It Time To Put The Bike Away For The Season?

We have a couple techs at work that ride everyday no matter what the weather all year long :excited

What kind of bikes do they ride during winter?

Doesn’t count in the south!

Just ordered my heated grips.

Bike is still outside :rofl

Wish it wasn’t gonna snow, I’d be out tomorrow. Probably have it off. FUCK.

Debating on riding in to work right meow.

Saw a guy on wash extension yesterday by Suny Albany on an older CBR.

I was jelly.

Snow by morning.

Rode the bike yesterday to put it away.

Literally a few hundred feet away from the house started to drizzle, which made me feel unsettled due to cold tires and cold ground to begin with.

Said screw it, I’m already on the way and this is the best chance I got at putting it away. (25 mile trip or so).

A few miles later started pouring so I had to pull over and put the phone into the jacket water proof pocket and take it out of the soaked jeans.

Kept on riding. Wasn’t the worst/coldest I’ve ever rode but definitely discomforting and having little to no traction (did the foot test on occasion by dragging it against the ground to see how slippery it is, might as well have been ice).

Locked it up just as the sun fell. There is still snow in Knox area due to colder temperatures.

Babying around the corners isn’t fun.

I want summer back :frowning:

I am still looking to ride more, shopping for cheap winter gloves locally, anyone got any leads?

I doubt you will find deals in the winter.

I strongly suggest bark busters (not sure if they make them for R6’s), heated grips like I just got on ebay for ~$10 shipped and what every adventure rider raves about but you may look a bit silly.

vlad, sell me your bike

Riders discount, Call up TJ or Mike and ask them about gloves.
I piked up a set of alpinestar GP Pro’s a year ago for a VERY fair price I paid a lot less then retail.
I’m sure they will have something.

Unloaded the bike today so it’s in the barn and ready to ride any time. Cold tire spun a bit crossing the road from where we unloaded it to where I was putting it though. :rofl

I posted this on the new year thread…:rofl

The forecast is 46 tomorrow, so my first ride of the year will likely to be 1/1/2012 #nosnowftw

Looks like I’ll get some riding in as well. :number1

Shift518 new years kickoff ride?

I rode today for about an hour, plan on going out tomorrow as well. I rode 1/1 this year, may as well do it next year too!

Seems like there will be plenty of bikers tomorrow.

Everybody who spend the time winter prepping their bikes are suckers :tongue

Four guys that plan on riding tomorrow. Why don’t we ALL RIDE AT THE SAME TIME.

Winter is so freakin long!!! After going to that moto show, I want to ride damnit!!!

Yeah it’s a bitter pill living in the north east during winter, Makes me wish I never left LA.