When is switching to all business casual bad?

It sounds to me like you have a lot to learn about the business world.

Experience in our job field > Just about any amount of school

still, these numbers seem a bit far off the mark

what about the citigroup job that offered you 62? what was the position for that? did you interview?

agreed. but, it appears that joe is a finance or accounting major. however, its almost impossible to land a 70+ job right out of undergrad with little solid and continuous work experience.


it definatly helps if you know people, to get in the door. but to know people that will get you a job in buffalo for 62k, managing 20 people at the 29th largest bank in the world right out of school. seriously man, that would just be plain stupid of your “inside person” and yourself… no offence, but managing 20 people in a high stress enviroment (right out of school) would be setting you up for failure, and i would check on your “inside person” for making you think you can handle it.

but hey, what do i know, im only a 15 year old kid.


Someone had to.
