When Standard SLI Just Doesn't Cut It...

dayum. glad the only part i’ve bought so far for my new setup is a dell 20" widescreen LCD.
lol @ pig with lipstick

thats pretty cool :tup:

i’m still not impressed with SLI, from a gamer’s point of view :wink:

Shades of 3dfx like woah. o_o

Yeah no kidding… I get visions of the Voodoo 5 6000!!!

It makes you wonder just how much of nVidia’s new shit is actually their own home grown IP and not purchased from some other company with bad financial executives.

am going to get one of these when its out, not like i been playing games, but like some of you like boosting and making your cars fast as heck, thats how i am with pc, i am a pc ricer.:rofl:

i have a pair of 6600 GT running on a asus premium sli board and I gotta be honest - WoW doesn’t look that much better - plus multi-gpu mode is single screen only.

did you have it maxed out before? I guess you have to take into account that WOW is like 2 years old too.

something like FEAR, TES:Oblivion and alot of newer games that are extremely graphic intensive would benefit more from it I’d think. running all settings maxed out and still getting 60 fps would be great :slight_smile: